
How can I save my bacon bowls?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to make bacon cups ahead of time but not going to use them right away.

(FYI: If you don't know, bacon cups are where you weave bacon all around the bottom of a tin baking cup and bake it until the bacon is crisp and forms a shallow bowl)

What I want to know is, since they are hard to make and I want to make them ahead of time, how do I save them and keep them crisp? Can I put them in the freezer after they are baked and formed or do you have a better plan? Thanks!




  1. Bacon cups? OMG! Where have I been? To answer your question, they should be fine frozen, just make sure you thaw them slowly (like in the fridge) and not in the microwave, otherwise they might crack.

  2. that sounds good what do you put  therm? Please e-mail me.I would  love to try these.

  3. That is so cool!

    If you put them in the refirgerator, they will dry out and become like jerky - maybe that's a good thing if you plan on filling them with food.  

  4. You need to edit and tell EVERYONE how to MAKE THESE!!! Everyone is asking!!

    Anything longer than a couple of days - freeze them.

  5. I want a bacon bowl.

  6. how do you expect people to answer this q when you've obviously distracted us by a bigger issue here?? MY issues?? THEY HAVE BACON BOWLS and i've never had one... this troubles me and all i knew of my "happy childhood" that would be good with my mom's potato now that that's out of the way

    is there a way you can make them and bake them when your ready to use them.. by that i mean make the bowls in the foil cups then put them in layers in freezer bags in the fridge laying flat then just bake them when you need them??/

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