
How can I save my mother's horribly cluttered home?

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I am 21 yrs old in CA and I have basically moved out of my mom's house since I started college 3 yrs ago. I just return in the summers. The problem is that she is a horrible packrat. Clothes are everywhere, you cant walk around or sit. She also has alot of broken things around (chairs, tables, lamps). She has suffered from depression for quite some time and I think this is a result of it. I have to young brothers (11&14) and I feel horribly that they have lived like this their entire lives. I cleaned 1 small bdrm in the house and it took 10 hrs and I had 15 bags of trash and 10 bags of clothes. She will not let ppl in our house and its just horrible to live in. Is there some specialist I can call to handle this? We really need help. I have even thought of calling Child Services on her so that she would be forced to clean up,but I dont want my brothers to be taken away. I wish they could come w/ me but I cant take care of them and attend school. Family knows all about this but wont help




  1. There's a whole website dedicated to this. I hope it helps. I don't know much else about this issue, but I know they have support groups who will be able to help you better. Good luck.

  2. Contact NAPO (National Assoc Professional Organziers) for a referral to an organizer who can manage this. There are organizers who are specially trained to deal with hoarding and the emotional issues that go along with it.  Best of luck.  This sounds like a very difficult situation.

  3. If the conditions are that bad, a child service agent should get involved.  Unsanitary environments brings lice, cockroaches, and disease.  I hope there is food in the house for your brothers.  I feel very bad for them.  If dirty clothes and scattered furniture is the only issue, I think you and your Mom should clean the house together.  Also, depression is not healthy at all.  I'm sure it is not helping your brothers and it is certaintly not helping your house.  The best way of addressing this is to see a therapist.  I wish you my best regards.

  4. Call the Oprah Show.

  5. Oprah did a show on a lady like that and it was life changing just watching what she went thru.  Get a copy of that episode and watch it first, before you approach your mom about it.

    good luck.

  6. You definitely don't want to call Social Services, I've heard they can be fairly trigger-happy when it comes to taking kids away, even when it just comes down to a dirty house. I think it's a disorder, it can be fixed, but it's not something that usually changes forever because they were threatened once. I know there are plenty of books on the subject and even groups that get together.

  7. Your Mom has a type of OCD. Google that and see what she's dealing with.  YOU can't do anything.  It's all up to her.

    If it's as severe as it sounds, she need psychotherapy and drugs.  

    DON'T try to clean it. She'll just go out and get more. Lots of luck, Honey.  This is not a good situation to be put into.  I agree with the support groups.  You need help to learn how to cope with this.

    There are many pros who can help with the house, but your Mom is the one who has to be helped first.

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