
How can I save the world from a global economic crisis?

by Guest63589  |  earlier

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How can I save the world from a global economic crisis?




  1. Vote McCain, so obama and his socialist don't get to tank the USA.

    Stop buying walmart and chinese.

    Demand from the stores that you do shop at, that you would've bought an AMERICAN made product from them, but since they don't offer any, you are leaving.

    Soon things WILL get back to USA made, folks will have REAL hands on jobs, not just paper pushing jobs.

  2. i agree with the first answer. china is causing many problems for the world, it is not their fault WE the world let this happen china is only trying to make money just like we all are. to aleviate things i would only buy localy made goods for at least a year regardless of were you live, we are spending WAY to much money on goods made in china, this not only upsets the global economy but their corrupt pollution laws are creating a big mess for the whole world. -blurey

  3. Stop China buying all the raw materials and scrap from around the world (hence why steel/copper/iron etc. prices are constantly rising) and stop them producing cars for their ever expanding population that can now afford them (because their economy is so good) they are using more and more oil hence why the prices are probably rising due to the demand.

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