
How can I see if a business name is registered/trademarked?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting ready to start up my own small business. I have a name in mind. No companies in my area use it... in fact no companies listed in my state or my nearest neighboring state appear to use it...

However a few small companies are listed under it in other parts of the country. 4-5 show up on yellowpages/

How can I find out if any have trademarked or registered it?

If they do, but I'm in a different industry and geographically far away, can I still use it?




  1. Your only real concern should be if the business name is taken in your state. You can usually search online - do a Google search for "search (state) business" The secretary of state's website should allow you to do a search on corporate name availibility.

    Trademarks only usually come into play when you are operating a business with the exact same name, in the same field of business, and the trademark holder sees you as competition. With small businesses, this rarely happens.

    If you are concerned, you can check trademarks at

    Keep in mind, the business listed may only have a trademark on their logo, not the name, You will see many different companies with trademarks using the same names.

  2. Contact  State  Controller and ask.  

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