
How can I see the internet sites that my daughter is searching?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter stays on the internet and will x out when I or my husband walk into the room. How can I see what she's searching?




  1. The history will show you all of the websiites that she has been on.  If you know which instant messnger program she is using and can log into it when she isnt around or can access it when she is, most have a setting to archive message sessions to the hard drive.

    A better optoin is to go to and purchase their eblaster5.0.  This program will record all chat sessions, all websites visited, and more importantly ALL KEY STROKES.  This has been a valuable tool to me in keeping an eye on my kids internet usage.  

    I know that many parents will say it is wrong to do it or spying but I will tell you that if you think your kids are harmlessly using the net, you are wrong.

  2. doesn't

    History show you all the activity?

  3. Viewing the history always helps, but don't count on it. When I was 9, I knew how to take specific pages out of the history. And this newer generation is getting onto it pretty quickly too. If the history is deleted, check the cookies. Those show the sites the cookies came from, and from there, you can ascertain what sites have been visited.

    For example, you can find the cookies under the Temporary Internet Files folder. Here's an example of what a cookie for MySpace looks like: "". Of course, you replace "steve" with whatever the user name of your computer is.

    You can always ask her what it is. And if she refuses, you can always just check straight away. I mean, it's a privilege to use the internet. So you should have the right to check.

    Usually the address bar keeps a list of typed URLs. That's significantly more tricky to delete than the history, and has a very high chance of success.

    Worst case scenario, however distasteful, keyloggers might help. There are special ones designed for parental use, I believe.

  4. You probably should put the computer in a place where there is no privacy. You should absolutely check and see what she is doing on the computer. You might save her from some unthinkable crime. Here is a free keylogger that you can install on the computer, then it will show you every keystroke that she does. Do not take any chances..good luck>>

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