
How can I sell some black walnut trees on my property for the best buck?

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I also am wondering if there is anything special about taking them down as I could do that myself but wouldn't want to ruin the value. Located in the Green Bay/Appleton Wi. area if it's important.




  1. You should contact a couple of local loggers or sawmills.  They usually will be glad to send someone around to determine if the timber is valuable and what it is worth.  (Pretty hard for us to make a determination from in front of our computers).  If your trees are merchantable you can get several bids and take it from there.  And yes, if they are damaged or cut the wrong lengths during the logging they will certainly be less valuable.  

  2. It's very rare that buyers are interested in urban-grown walnut trees.  trees valuable for timber grow in close proximity to each other, creating long, tall trees, without much branching happening until close to the canopy. Urban-grown trees tend to have lots of branching all the way up, which makes them "pretty", and good shade trees, but not good timber trees.

    You can read more about it here, and determine for yourself if finding a buyer for your trees is worth pursuing:

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