
How can I send care packages to children in Africa?

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I am working hard to raise money to send many care packages that include toiletries, books, toys, food, and other things to children in Africa.I am having trouble finding organizations to do this through though. Can someone help me find some organizations that will work with me to send these packages?




  1. Contact Samaritan's Purse.  You can find their website address through Google.  You'll have to follow their rules, of course, since you'd be joining their efforts.  

    World Vision may also be able to help you find places to send thing.

    Unfortunately, part of the problem with sending things like this is that the recipients have to pay heavy duties and taxes to receive this kind of thing.  Thievery is also a problem over there.  Shipments are often stolen, especially after the duty's been paid and the recipient is waiting for the package.

  2. Organizations don't really do this anymore. This takes local jobs away from poor people themselves who are trying to sell toiletries, books, toys, food, etc. Also, as these items can be found in African countries, its far cheaper for an aid organization to use donations to buy them there (thereby helping the local economies) rather than paying for shipping.

    If you want to help communities in Africa, look into these organizations:

  3. i am not trying to sound uncaring but why over seas all the time?children in our own countries are going hungry all the seems we want to help people everywhere but never think to help the less unfortunate children and people around us its like they are invisible.all I'm saying is its nice to remember people where you live and help out at home.  

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