
How can I separate these mixtures?

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a) iron mixed with sugar

b) pure water from muddy pond water

c) coffee grounds from coffee

d) alcohol from water (2 different ways)

e) the colors making up black ink





  1. One of these should work for each:

    filtration (may need to add water to make one soluble)


    reverse osmosis

    paper or column chromatography


  2. okay.......

    A) use a magnet

    B) either distilation or low tempreature vacuum filtration (low pore size followed by column filtration)

    C) (I assume you mean recover coffee from a "cup of coffee) many different choices...but I would precipitate the coffee using salt and then use a vac. filt. to seperate.

    D)fractional distilation ( the alcohol would boil off first due to massively different BP) and the other method would be centrifuge (due to a massively different Molecular weight)

    E) use either "fractional precipitation" (only used on aqueous inks (for NaCl frac. precip.) the process of adding salt, filtering (obtaining one precipitate) adding salt, filtering (obtains another precipitate) and doing so until the solution is supersaturated with salt. or using either paper or high pressure column cromatography.

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