
How can I set up a kids magazine for ages ranging from 4-12 year old? I want to make it kid friendly.?

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How can I set up a kids magazine for ages ranging from 4-12 year old? I want to make it kid friendly.?




  1. Between 4-12 is a huge gap age wise and developmentally.  You need to focus on one developmental stage and age.

  2. That's a huge age range, and if I was 10+, I wouldn't like to be in the same age group as a 4 year old.

    Make it either:

    4 - 7

    7 - 10

    10 - 12

  3. um, im 12, and i feel kind of insulted being in an age group with a four year old

  4. comics and freebies appeal loads but if your trying to get a message across, bright colours!

  5. When I was in 5th grade, I made a magazine with my bff for our class. The front page was "news" that was happening at our school and little interviews. The second page had polls and interesting facts, and the third page had games. Look at the Highlights magazine for ideas. Good luck!

  6. I would definatley say lots of bright colors and pictures. You should have a section on parents and kids. Do things to connect the parents and kids together. Give easy craft and snack ideas. Maybe have a comic page or a joke page. Maybe have kids send in drawings and you put them in your magazine.

    Good luck, it sounds like a great idea.

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