
How can I shake this feeling off ?

by Guest44694  |  earlier

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I really Love My boyfriend and its no problem we talk about everything I cant get a little jeolous but I dont show my feelings sometimes or whats so ever its Just I know he will always have female friends but im jeolous with that I trust him but am i wrong for feeling this way dont me wrong we got a communication all the time and were going strong but how can I shake this feeling off?




  1. Well, In my experience, It is possible. My boyfriend also has a lot of female acquaintances and they text him and everything. I trust him, so that's not an issue. It does drive me crazy!! I do get feelings sometimes that make me a little curious (but they are unfounded as he spends all his time with me). Just whatever you do don't bug him about just be your  confident self, and if it really bothers you then there is a reason for it. Instinct rarely lies. But If you think that the friends are up to know good, then express that to your man. But stress that who you don't trust are the girls and you completely trust him. But you just have to decide that he loves you and he chose you, and all others come secondary.....and if your relationship is not strong  then that's when you have reason to worry.

  2. You can shake this feeling off by time and force.  You love, communicate with, and trust him.  What you feel is normal, because you want to be the only girl that exists in any way possible to him.  Maybe the fact that you get jealous means that you only think that you trust him, but, deep down, you don't.  Assure yourself in one way or another that you're his only one, and realize that those girls don't mean to him what you do.  Force youself to not be jealous, though that may sound hard, and, over time, you won't.  Most importantly, keep up the communication, and let him know exactly how you feel about him talking to other girls.  Just keep him away from the s***s.

  3. You sound young so i'm assuming your boyfriend is young too.  If so then he's controlled by hormones and you can't trust him with girls that are friends.  Best to lay off dating until you've graduated.  

  4. you can't "shake feelings off"....all you can do is be who you are and do your best not to make mountains out of molehills. if he does notice that you're acting a bit odd or whatever - just explain how much you care about him and that you're afraid of losing him. don't let anger and jealousy be the only emotion you show because you'll come across as a bitter person. just allow him as much trust as you'd want him to give you

  5. talk to him about it and i dont mean hint it to him i mean really let it out.  

  6. I think everyone gets a little jealous from time to time. And I don't think it's a problem as long as it's controlled. If the jealousy is ruining your relationship then it's a problem. If it's a thought every now and then, well then you're fine...

    There's really no cure to shake it off. It wears off with maturity.  

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