
How can I share my printer between 2 computers?

by  |  earlier

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I have one computer with xp and the other with vista and can't seem to get them to share the printer on the computer with vista. Any suggestions?

Thank you




  1. run network setup wizard in xp

    and select " turn on file sharing and printer sharing"

    same processes to do with vista

  2. no hassel mate just buy one usb terminal from ebay for some quids it is a printer cable with different hubs

  3. Hi,

    What you need to do is setup a network on the windows xp machine,

    you do this by clicking start

    my computer

    in the left hand navigation click my network places

    then in the left hand navigation click setup small home or office network, and follow the wizard to set it up, leaving everything as default.

    Once you've done this then restart the pc.

    Once the xp machine is restarted then go to your windows vista machine and then click network on the start menu you should then see the other pc on your network if not i think in vista you go to system properties or something like this and then just enter mshome into the network part.

    Once this is done to share the printer go to the pc with the printer installed, go to the printers folder, find the printer you want to share, then right click and click on sharing, follow the wizard and then your printer will be shared.

    Then on the other pc go to the network part to show the pc on your network, with vista the same as i said before,

    as for xp there should be a link on the start menu for my network places, click on it and then in the left hand navigation click show network computers, to show the other pcs.

    Once you see the pc double click it and then a new screen will appear you will see the shared printer on there, just right click and click connect the printer will then be installed, when asked just click ok.

    Hope this helps any problems just e-mail me.

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