I would like to share my photos from Flickr on my Yahoo!360 profile at http://uk.360.yahoo.com/robertsewellca (If this URL doesn't show up completely, it ends with "robertsewellca")
I have signed in, selected "my page" then "share photos" and so on. I get a screen that shows "You currently have no public photos in Flickr." However, ALL my Flickr photos are public, and I am signed in to Flickr at the time. My Flickr photos are at http://www.flickr.com/photos/robertsewellca/ if you would like to check to make sure they are really "public." (If this URL doesn't show up completely, it ends with "robertsewellca")
How can I get Yahoo!360 to recognise my photos at Flickr and show them on my Yahoo!360 page?