
How can I show him that I love him?

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I'm 14 and I want to show this boy how much I really love him but I don't actually know how.

I don't want any answers like have s*x with him and nothing really mushy like romantic dates by the rivers because I'm 14 and that's just weird tbh >.<

Can anyone help? :]




  1. are you in a kind freindship or relationship with him or not started yet?

    if in, then you probably can tell him you love matter what would be his reaction ,at least you have expressed your own feeling...

    if not in, then try to show him by acts but not too pushy.

    good luck.

  2. having s*x with him should be the last thing you do hun for one you arnt old enough and secondly your emotions arnt strong enough to deal with that level of intimacy and anybody who says different are idiots. you dont say whether you are in a relationship with this boy or not but maybe telling him would be the way to go spend time with him and in the end you will get closer to one another. but just a word from the wise be patient boys are rubbish at picking up on these signals good luck

  3. I think he probably knew already if you are really nice to him and care about him.  Sometimes people can tell by the eyes (yes, its the window of the soul)

  4. err....say I love you maybe?

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