
How can I show my gf I care a little more?

by  |  earlier

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I'm training myself currently to go into the SEALs, and with that, most of my time is consumed between working out and college. It's not that I'm considering breaking up with her, I would just like to show her I care and appreciate her more often since I am so busy all the time. Any ideas?




  1. Let her know that exactly. Tell her the truth, especially if you plan on staying with her.

    Tell her that you are consumed with getting into BUD/S and that you really want to spend time with her, but have limited ability right now. If she lives close, take her out one night a week, or every two weeks, but be clear with her. If she lives really close, go on a walk with her and hold her hand, when time permits.

    If you can afford it, have flowers sent to her work periodically with a nice note, not too lovey dovey, but sincere and expressive.

    So you want to be a Frogman, huh? Excellent!!

    BUD/S takes a big commitment, but know upfront, YOU CAN DO IT, AND WILL. That is the single best advice I can give you on joining my Teams.

    My gal understands the commitment and stands by for my constant deployments. In a solid relationship you'll have no worries, just make sure you give her a share of your time and always be honest with her.

    Good luck to you!


  2. I AGREE with the guy that said dinner at Red Lobster and then straight for her KITTY KAT,she might even let you do her in the butt after that!

  3. I agree... Take her out, buy her flowers, spend time with her... all that is great.

    But especially if you are busy a good thing to do is just tell her that you care about her and you wish you were able to spend more time with her. That will mean a lot.

  4. write her a love song about your feelings then play it to her on the beach during sunset with a rainbow while the dolphins dive in the background and seahorses playing with unicorns frolic with the fairies all around.  

  5. If you both have cell phones with text messaging, you can send her a little good morning text to wake up to and a good night I love you text to fall asleep to. Pick up a card at a card store, write something little in it and randomly send it to her house address. Emails work. Leaving cute voice mails work to. Have flowers delivered to her home or have a Vermont teddy bear shipped to her house.

  6. if she packs her lunch sneak a special note in there or maybe in her car somewhere. try sending her flowers or writing her a poem or letter.

  7. write her a poem

  8. Take her to Red Lobster and go down on her at the end of the night.  

  9. Write her a "stupid poem" on a hand made card which expresses your feelings.

    Send her flowers or take her out.  

    Cook her dinner, if you have the chance.  

    Send her chocolates.

    Take her to a park and push her on a swing.  

    Regardless, make some time for her and do something nice to tell her the simple truth that you care for her, but are busy.

  10. Answer me this. How supportive is she of what you are doing. Is she out coaching you or cheering you on? This is a relationship and it has two sides to it. I'm just wondering if she is helping you or sitting around whining. It's not a 50/50 thing, it takes 100% from both. Just some food for thought.

  11. Awwwhh. Dinner. Get her something she lovesss.

  12. I'm sure she understands what you are trying to do... So you have to know if you are both on the same page here... Communication is the cornerstone to any long lasting relationship.  

    Give her a text message once a day at least... a little I love you will go a long way... She will know you are thinking about her.

    At least once a week if time allows take her out... doesn't have to be a big night... just spend time with her and let her know she is still in your heart.  

    If all else fails get a tatto of her name on your crank...they love that!  lol

  13. Take at least one evening a week and dedicate it to her.

    Take her out to dinner (or lunch or breakfast) a movie, the zoo ect ect.

    Give her flowers, send her cards in the mail.  

  14. just like anything, you need to dedicate some time to her. You square away time to work out, you square away time to school, same as with her. Show her shes just as much a priority in your life as everything else. dedicate an hour a night to talking to her or AIMing her or what ever and atleast one night a week to taking her out. maybe ask her to hit the gym with you. Good luck with BUD/S, and hope things work out with the girl.

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