
How can I show people that being g*y is not just who I am?

by  |  earlier

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I'm g*y, and there are a lot of things about me that are stereotypically g*y. Like being effeminate, liking 'girly' music and stuff, and I just don't like it whenever I show myself to people and just be myself they just see the "g*y" things about me and not everything else. I don't think of myself as g*y, bust just a person. I like the same s*x, but that's just 1 millionth of me. How can I show people that without having to pretend and be someone I'm not?




  1. you can always be nice to everyone

    if you want respect

    you have to show it

    and i know what your feeling

    im g*y

    and like girly music

    ex. Miley cyrus, lindsay lohan, jonas brothers


    but i still keep getting sh it from people

    so best thing is to be yourself

    and not to represent yourself as something your not

    so just go and do what you do best


  2. People are going to pay attention to the fact that you're g*y.

    I don't know how to help you, but I just thought I'd say that.


  3. you cant. you have to like with the ******* dumb, narrow minded, pathetic, stereotypical people in this world that will always judge you.

    who cares what people think?

    you should just be yourself.

  4. fucckk what they think and be urself. u don't need to prove anything to anybody.

  5. well first, know that you dont have to prove anything to anyone; you are you, and thats good enough. :)

    but if you really want someone to know, like a friend, then ask them to hang with you one day, and show them what great things you can do.

  6. Stop emphasizing your effeminate nature. That is what people will notice most about you and distract them from the rest of you.

    I'm not saying that you should pretend to like football or try to get excited over xbox 360, but maybe don't talk about Britney Spears in front of others or don't discuss your liking for pink.

    You are not hiding yourself here and not changing yourself for them. You are merely catering yourself to them a little bit more.

    If you aren't willing to keep any part of yourself in front of people otherwise quick-to-label, then you will just be thought of as g*y and not much more.

    It's hard to show people there is more about you than just being g*y if they don't relate to you in any other ways.

    It's sad things are the way they are. But this is really the best advice I can offer you if you want people to see you differently.

  7. I always say that being g*y does not control or define my life or who I am as a person. That being said if you are very feminine and girly then of course that is the first thing people are going to notice about you. If you are comfortable being feminine then that's you but you can't expect people to see past that unless they get to know you very well. If being g*y and liking the same s*x is just 1millionth of you then you have to show others sides of yourself and not act like a women just because you are g*y. Being g*y does not mean that you have to be feminine or girly. I think some g*y guys really turn on their feminine side when it is sometimes an act.

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