
How can I show proof of my homeschooling?

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The last year, I did it on the computer.

This year, I'm doing it in books.

Should I save all my papers from this year?


Do I just walk in there with some printed out - word pad papers in my hand and say "SET ME UP!"

I just don't know how or what to do when I go get signed up.





  1. get a log book and document,document,document EVERYTHING and keep good records and hours you school.

  2. In Virginia, we have to have our kids tested at the end of  each school year. They generally require the CAT's or the Iowa test of basic skills. Your local school board office should be able to tell you what the requirements are - they are different in each state and\or county.

  3. Who are you trying to prove to that you are homeschooled. What do the laws in your state say about filing paperwork? We will need more info to answer your question.

    Best of Luck to You!


  4. what sate are you in, & who do you have to prove to, that you were homeschooled?

    Im with glurpy, you shouldnt have to keep prove, we do, because I know how our d**n school board is here in our city.

    I always keep track & prove, on EVERYTHING just in case the school board tries to step in, & I can show them all I have as Im directing them out my door!!!

    Im just covering my butt.

    Im the type that is so organized its not funny.

  5. We keep a portfolio as our proof.  (Besides, it's required by our state law.)

    Our portfolio is a three-ring binder.  

    I put copies of the tables of contents from each book in it; as we cover something, I'll write a date by that portion of the table of contents.  If we do additional things (field trips, projects, etc.), we add on a brief note about them.

    We keep records of the titles of books that we read--mostly we keep the receipts we get from the library but if we read non-library books, we jot down the title.  

    Then we keep samples of the work done.  Not every paper, that gets to be too much.  We keep some from the beginning of the year and some from the end (for comparison purposes).  We keep anything that took a lot of effort or that we're really proud of.  We keep photos of some things that don't involve paperwork.

    Anyway, a portfolio is a great way to have proof of homeschooling for family members, school officials, yourself, or anyone else who might want it.  (Just don't keep so much that it becomes too much of a pain for you or takes up too much room in the house.)

  6. Walk in where? And sign up where? Set up what? I don't understand.

    Yes, you should definitely keep records--subjects you studied, some work samples, a list of resources you used, etc. You don't need to keep everything, but a reasonable sample would be good.

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