
How can I shrink my stretched ears?

by  |  earlier

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I know this may seem like a dumb question, but I'm just curious and haven't got a clue.

I've had my ears stretched to about a 6-8 gauge for almost three years, and I've heard that having them stretched to that size is easy to shrink.

But because I've had them in for so long, is that a factor?




  1. No, just take them out and leave them out.

    I have had zero's for a year and if I take them out for a couple of days they shrink all the way to a 6.

  2. You should have thought about this before you decided to get those huge things in your ears. You might need a plastic surgeon.  Good luck.

  3. you should keep them like that for the rest of your life reminding yourself how dumb you can be.

  4. im not sure that ive ever heard of shrinking your ears but you could google it or just let the rest of yourself catch up

  5. It might just take longer for them to shrink, because you've had them so long. I would just downsize or just leave jewelry out of them altogether. Make sure to clean them though. I'm sure they will shrink some in time. It's not a dumb question. Good luck!

  6. You just have to wait.. I have mine stretched..but they're smaller then yours..but when I didn't have earings in them for about 2 months they were shrunk back to tiny size..

  7. Another reason not to do the ear-stretching thing.  No, they'll probably never be the same again.  You'll have to deal with it.

  8. Go to the doctors and get a stitch to help them heal.

  9. you should of thought of that b4 you put the hole in your ear.

  10. You will probably have to have them stiched!

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