
How can I sleep and wake up without back pain?

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I have a really hard mattress and thats all I can afford right now. Most of the time I wake up without it but sometimes I do. I don't know how I sleep differently that makes me wake up with pain.




  1. The mattress not being in line with your back everybodys back is diffrent it looks like your just going to have to deal with it. Take some pain pills and that should help.

  2. Mattress is important. But, also, try wearing a SACROILIAC BELT (aka SI BELT or TROCHANTER BELT) around your pelvis when you are not sleeping.

    What it does is that by providing the correct balance of resistance and resilience, the SI belt re-establishes the joint’s normal motion,  thus relieves stress and instability at these weight bearing structures. The price of SI belts are in reasonable range these days, average cost is about $40 USD. I know a lot of people who wear SI belts, and I've read some astonishing testimonials about it. There are many  si belts out there, but Serola SI Belt seems to be the best one as far as quality, comfort, and price are considered. Check out their website for more:

    I think you buy directly from their website at:

    Hope it helps, good luck to you!

  3. actually you can try the old school way like I have before and lay on a heating pad once you relax enough you'll pass out so make sure its only on medium!and nothing wet nearby!

  4. if finances are an issue then you might try this, take a pillow and place it between your legs above the knees, this is when you are on your side.also if you can't afford a memory foam pad they do have regular egg create pads get at least two and this will add padding for your pressure points that seem to cause pain.but the memory foam would be the better investment.have a good night,oh and i have had two back surgery's and it has been 20 years with back pain,so do take care of your back

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