
How can I sleep at night??

by  |  earlier

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I have already tried over the counter sleep aids.




  1. This helped me a lot when i had trouble sleeping... There's these CDs that have relaxing type music on them, kinda like ocean waves or whatever the h**l... that kinda stuff... and if you put it on a low volume at night when you're in bed, it will most likely help you fall asleep and help you relax.

  2. try reading a book before you go to bed or watching a movie.

    and dont eat to much before bed becasue that stops you from going to sleep as well

    go for a walk that helps.

    drink a warm glass of milk before you go to bed.

    hope this helps

    sleep tight

  3. It's simple, talk to your doctor. Explain your symptoms to him/her. Ask if it seems like a sleep disorder. See if they can give you a prescription.

  4. ha ha this sounds stupid but i  was desperate for sleep one night i spun around in circles until i got so dizzy i couldn't tell witch way was up...and it made me so tired i just passed out..i wouldn't recommend that but talk do u docter

  5. just lay down & close ur eyes

  6. 1) Sleep on a regular schedule.  Yes, that means go to bed and wake up around the same time every day -- no sleeping to noon on weekends if you need to wake at 6am during the week. The more irregular your sleep patterns, the harder it usually is to get to sleep, or to wake in the morning.

    2) No caffeine within several hours of bedtime.

    3) No exercise within several hours of bedtime.  However, exercise earlier in the day can help; you just don't want to rev your body up when you need to rev it down to sleep.

    4) Don't eat shortly before bed.  Though, some swear by warm milk to make you sleepy.

  7. Herbal tea & Benadryl right before bed... Cut caffeinated drinks and refined sugars out of your diet. Yo umay want to see your Dr and tell him what's going on. I dunno if it's a physical problem or you're just thinking too much when you're trying to sleep.

  8. nyquil

    i leave my tv on 24/7 for some reason i cant sleep w.o it

    and then i just close my eyes drink tons of water

    and yea...

  9. Excercise a lot and eat a lot. I always fall to sleep right away.

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