
How can I slowly train myself to start running?

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fyi, im not in that great shape and i cant run for very long now, (i.e. like 2 mins and im out of breath)

as well as that defecit, im overweight and when i do too much

running i tend to get pain in my knees.

So could you suggest some tips for me to gradually get in better shape by running? PLZ AND THANK YOU!!




  1. If your knees are hurting you may want to try spin class, or riding your bike, or swimming until you get into better shape.  Then you can start running.  Otherwise, you'll just have to walk whenever you start getting out of breath and work up to being able to run for longer periods of time.

  2. You need to start walking long distances and eating healthy foods.  When your weight is down you will allow your knees to run with less shock on the pavement.  Also I would start out on some easy run and walk workouts on grass fields because it will be less shock on you legs.  You can do this it will just take a little bit of work.  Good Luck!

  3. u have to eat healthier if u want to be healthier. Walk, run long distance, practice, stretch, work on ur leg mucsle. Practice. U can do it

  4. I agree with the other answers- BUT! I just started running recently in the last few months and I'm not overweight or in bad shape, but I still had knee problems of my own (and ankle, and shin, and hip, etc.). Honestly, the first 3 weeks of training were NOT fun and I couldn't run very far for very long, I'm just not a distance runner, more of a sprinter. SO! My point is, that if you really want to run, (and I LOVE RUNNING NOW) then just start out slow and take in to mind that it's not going to be easy at first and things probably will hurt. I ran through mine, took a few days off here and there in the beginning and now I don't have ANY pains- I kind of ran through them, but it wasn't magic. My husband and I are now training for the Columubus Marathon (our first) and just Saturday ran 12 miles - and just keep adding on the miles. So let this be an encouragement to not give up, even though it may not always be fun to start out with.

    Also! Get a running partner! It makes it so much better! I would have never kept running if my husband hadn't decided to join me in my training. I love running when I'm with him. Best of luck.

  5. Try walking, riding a bike/ spinning and or aerobics to try to increase your stamina. Riding a bike will help reduce injuries due to being over weight from the pounding your joints take on the pavement.

    good luck


  6. you can bike, swim, rollerblade.

    someone i know couldn't run for a long time either, so i had him start with rollerblading next to me while i ran, and then he slowly got into running longer distances. you can always start with maybe walking as a warm-up, then jogging 1/2 mile the first day for a week. then you can increse to 1 mile the next week (4 times a week) & keep adding a little each week. there are also special running shoes that helps absorb shock everytime you hit the pavement (you can go to a running store and ask them for one, a lot of ppl who run high mileage normally get them)

  7. walk, walk faster, jog, run

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