
How can I solve some problems? Im really losing it..?

by  |  earlier

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I encountered an eating disorder last year which was very short (less than 2 months of restricting) and am yet to grow again. At 5'6'' and 15?

I am also very sexually confused.. Everyone else is starting to lose their virginity and explore s*x and I dont know how to deal with it!

I also have phimosis of the f******n and am fat and ugly. I also am finding I only enjoy nights that we drink. How long can I go on.. not long. How can I solve these problems..




  1. your problem is that your self insecure. wich leads to paranoia.

    okay, so yeah, your insecurity is eating you alive.

    your wholee life is in YOUR hands. you dont like the fact that your fat and ugly? change it. lose weight. find a style that looks good on you. stop looking in the mirror and seeing the glass half empty.

    your confused about the s*x thing cuz everyone is doing it. true. im 16 and everyone tries to lose there virginity early. i didnt. try to be different from everyone, that makes you better then everyone. its hard not to fit in.

    and last. i cant help you with. i hate drinking. its stupid and boring. but i guess thats cuz i like to be in controle of myself. take controle of your life i guess.  

  2. You slap yourself silly!

    You're 15, so am I and I pay no attention to s*x, I'm just not interested in it yet. If you were truly fat and ugly you would be the Humpback of Noutradawn (however you spell it).

    Yes you will lose it if you don't do something. If you truly think you're fat, do some jogging, or be in heat with a sweater to make you burn fat. I hope by drinking you mean soda.. if not, stop it! You can be happier if you make yourself laugh, while doing exercise at home, put on a funny song and dance to it.

  3. First, s*x at 15 is not good if you stay away from doing it you are the better person. Do call yourself fat and ugly, no one is ugly they are good looking in their own way, if you do have some weight issue that can easily be resolved with a little bit of good-eating and enough exercise. Being a teenager is one of the hardest things in life and everything should get better when you can get into a college you like and pursue a career you would enjoy and find that special someone. Don't worry we all lose a bit of sanity at that age.

  4. hmmm...just let it confused you... in time you will realize what you're doing eventually

  5. Dude,

           Let me tell you though you are fat it doesnt mean that u r ugly, every person in the world is beautiful and handsome in his own way and style.. and how can u judge urself that you are fat and ugly? remember it is the natural beauty that you have got and please dont try to change that. dont try to change it by taking diet and all the things... but try to make it up and if u are so desperate to get thin then try to consult a dietician and have a healthy diet and coming to ur confusion abt s*x, dont think more abt it as everyone do it..

    You will also get into touch with it soon once you get into the college life.. And let me tell you dont try to lose virginity once you enter into college life..

    Neway first concentrate in your career and then u can think about other things later...


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