
How can I soundproof my wall - I cant take the noise anymore!?

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I own an old twin home. Approx 100 years old. Our neighbor who rents decided to buy a new stereo system and all I hear is bass. Boom Boom Boom all the time. He has turned it down but I still hear the bass. We have a layer of sheetrock and a layer of plaster and he has the same. There is about 4" of dead air in between. I do not want to rip down any walls or build out. Is there any way to put padding up to stop or at least reduce the bass sound? I do not want to keep complaining because otherwise my neighbor is quiet and is clean. He also only listens to music between 10am and 9pm. I am awake but it bugs the heck out of me. Would eggcrates absorb this or does anyone have any suggestions? Also I can only hear it in the Living room where his stereo is located. Thanks for any advice....




  1. Needhelp I would purchase sound deadening curtains like used by lots of motels.  They will help, if noise is that bad you could also put up another layer of drywall around perimeter walls.  You can also order sound deadening material from web site below.

    Good Luck

  2. Get a barking dog and annoy him !!!!

  3. Try ear plugs

  4. Eggcrates or foam in the shape of egg crates would help, If it was on his walls!!!  It absorbs the sound waves prior to hitting the wall!  Buy him a set of head-phones!

  5. ... just find some earplugs. Or give him a taste of his own medicine.

  6. Then you are the landlord?\

    Sound like you didnt have a noise clause.

    Does the sound exceed the city ordiance?

    Oh, you are the landlord/owner?

    Tear you sheetrock wall off, insulate the walls, resheetrock, tape, float, texture and paint.

  7. You can drill some holes at ceiling height between the studs and blow cellulose insulation in. Home Depot will let use use the blower if you buy the insulation.

  8. huh

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