
How can I speed up the Google Webcrawler?

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According to Google Webmaster Tools, Googlebot last successfully accessed my home page on Mar 20, 2008-- that's over 2 months ago! I've made significant changes to my site that will help it's SEO. Is there any way to trick the Google Webcrawler into stopping by my site and acknowledging my updates?





  1. Noooooooo.... do not submit your url to Google...that will only delay the process as you get placed on a waiting list...the best way to get spidered faster is to leave hit up some places like yahoo answers and place your link to your site somewhere on there. Google always spiders these sites everyday and will most likely index you are pretty much guarenteed to be delayed up to a few weeks if you submit your url directly.

    another thing to understand is the sandbox rule for Google. Some Url's get sandboxed or placed on hold before they get indexed automatically if google thinks your site is a spam site because you may or may not of used some flagged spammed keywords somewhere withing your site more than the permitted amount of i know but do what i stated above and you get indexed in under 24 hours sometimes.

  2. You can submit your site to if you haven't already.  Don't do it too often or the bots will be trained NOT to crawl your site.  Also, the more hard links you have pointing to your site, the more bots will be drawn to your site.  You can submit your site to for a free hard link and DIY SEO articles.  Hope this helps.

  3. well there is alot of ways

    first make a new sitemap and then ping google with the new sitemap from google webmaster tools it one of the best ways to inform google that u got new content on ur site

    also get a good backlinks to the pages that got  new content more good do follow backlinks means google will visit ur site much more and will crawl the page much faster either so get backlinks aslo do a new sitemap and resubmit it into ur google webmaster account and if u could bookmark he new page on some social bookmarking sites i can say it will take google less then 24 hour to re visit and index ur pages that u want

    check  this blog it will help u

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