
How can I speed up tooth eruption?

by Guest58393  |  earlier

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I had 4 teeth pulled (my left canine, a back right molar, and the third from left and right from middle of bottom set) and the molar grew in leaving 3 gaps. But anyways I had them pulled so they could put my braces on, so the longer they take to come in the longer I wear braces. I am 15, too old to wear braces and too old to have teeth coming in. So how can I speed up this process (or at least not slow it down) if possible?




  1. nothing you can do mate, just let nature do it's job and you will be fine.

  2. chewing hard foods (raw carrots, apple) is said to encourage the tooth to erupt by softening the gums. that's about all you can do.  

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