
How can I spend more time with my girlfriend in middle school?

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Ok, so we are in different classes and the only time we can talk is on Myspace and the only time we see each other is at the end of the day. We used to go out last year, and we really like each other a lot. She has chorus first connection so I can't get into that. So, does anyone have any ideas?




  1. Make a point of seeing her in the morning before classes start, in between classes... After classes, maybe even out of school, like a date... Text her too, if you want to meet somewhere in school or are just thinking about her...

    Hope this helps but remember you are only in middle school

  2. ummmmm you call her you girlfriend? wow. sorry to say, but thats not a real relashionship. and even if you're in classes together, its not like you'll sit next to her and like maakeout.

  3. you are in Jr. Jigh, even if you were in High School there is a very tiny chance you will actually end up with this girl in the future. If you really like her, I think it would be best to just be friends because that way your friendship won't end so suddenly if you grow tired of eachother.

    Don't waste your time trying to be with this girl every moment of your life because believe me real relationships don't work that way. You two need to have seperate lives in order to have a functional relationship because if you're together every single moment, you get tired of eachother and in the end you'll realize that it was a waste of time on your part.

  4. Don't change classes just to be with her.

    You're in middle school so don't expec tthings to get too serious. I'd wait until high school.

    The thing with going out in middle school (and don't get me wrong; I did it too) is that you can't go anywhere. You're limited because both of you cant drive and you really can't do a lot. What I'd suggests is going to the movies with a group of friends or just hanging out in the neighborhood park. Go jogging, rink is nice. It's pretty hard to keep up a relationship when you only see them at school.

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