
How can I start a band?

by Guest59757  |  earlier

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The deal is I want to make music. Probably for the rest of my life. I have most of the equipment needed to do so. All I need to do is find the right people that are interested. I want talented people and I don't want to sing songs that have already been made. I want a band that will write our songs, and perform them live at a concert. The thing is for me, I want to start this band from the ground up. I mean, just practicing for a while until we get comfortable with each of the members and then make it out there. Any suggestions?




  1. Well first, you need to have at least some proficiency with a particular instrument and additionally find others who do as well. If the band is your personal vision, you should look for people who are interested in creating the same kind of music you want to, using the same instruments you would like to compose for. Once you've found your people, practice, jam, write, record, book shows at local venues, and make it happen.

  2. well do you have any friends who want to make a band?  you could ask around your school (if you're IN school) or put ads online or in the paper. is pretty good though i'm not sure how many people you'll be able to find.  maybe you can hang around places where musicians gather and try to recruit people there.

  3. its gonna be really hard to  find ppl that know the "song" means.

    and write their own song.

    sorry mate... its not that easy... take time.

    some advise: ask ppl around ur school. maybe 1 person will be the one ur looking for.

    g luck

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