
How can I start a charity to help Darfur?

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Me and my cousin wanted to start our own non-profit charity organization to help the refugees and end the genocide in Darfur. We know how to go about legally becoming a non-profit charity organization. I don't need to know that. We plan on raising money, collecting supplies to help refugees, writing letters to the government, and informing others about what is happening. We need to know how to get the money and supplies to the people in Darfur once we have gathered them. Any other details and tips are greatly appreciated.




  1. I agree with the previous response.  There are tons of charities in need of support.  Why not choose one of them.  Your efforts will be more effective when combine with others.  Besides, the problem in Darfur is not an issue of money.  The problem is persuading China, Russia and Muslim nations to stop blocking UN attempts to intervene.

    You really need to understand the crisis and why the crisis has not been resolved.  It's not all about feeding the hungry or helping a gang of thugs.  It really is an international conspiracy to prevent intervention.

    Things you can do to help without joining a charity are numerous.  The most important ones include seriously watching where you spend your money and becoming a voice to spread the news to others.  Start a blog.  Write some letters.  The problem isn't lack of funding at this point.  It's our failure to effectively penalize uncooperative nations (mostly China).

    Here is an article on how to help Darfur.

    If you really want to make a difference, this will help you do it.

  2. There are plenty of organizations already. If you really want to help, find them, pick out one or two that you admire and support their work. Amnesty International is political; UMCOR is humanitarian.

    Starting your own organization is more about you than about people in Darfur; for one thing, the overhead will take a lot of that money you raise, especially at first. The world's richest man, Warren Buffett, didn't start his own foundation/ organization. He found one he trusted and gave it billions of his dollars to continue the work already begun.

  3. I agree with Sarah

    Trying to start your own organization would probably end up profiting some low life company just because thats how life goes

    There are other organizations as said before

    But a major one that is helping all of Africa is Invisable Children

    It is more of a school based thing though

    Not as in it profits the school but it is run by high school kids

    It would probably make more sense if you checked it out

    I would give you a link but my computer is being strange

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