
How can I start an Ebay business?

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I want to start an Ebay business but don't know where to look to sell things. I hear all the time of people substituting their jobs to work at home. To substitute my job, I would need to make at least $800 per month, then I would make it grow from there to make more. How can I do this? Thanks so much for your help! :)




  1. You first need to start familiarizing youself with Ebay so jump in there and sell an item. It could be anything. Something from home you\'re not using anymore.  From there after you\'ve got some knowledge with Ebay, start looking for one product that has few competition and you know people really want to buy.

    Grow your business slowly, that\'s probably the best advice I can give you.

  2. I agree with Brenda, educate yourself. Most successful eBay sellers are self-taught and aren't afraid to experiment with new things.

    These free resources will help you:

    Talk to other sellers who can enlighten you. Here is a free forum with over 800 sellers - all sharing info for free.

    Best of luck!

  3. If you are interested in selling on eBay, I always recommend people buy first -- that helps you learn about how the system works.

    The second thing I recommend is that you read everything you can about how eBay works for buyers and for sellers.  I personally really enjoy Marsha Collier's books -- they're part of the Dummies series of books.

    I expect you could start by selling a few things and growing into a business. Selling on eBay is NOT easy and there is a lot to learn.

    You may wish to check out my page, Treasures By Brenda, An eBay Store, which describes my eBay store and my eBay store itself. I'll add the links below.

    Good Luck.

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