
How can I start going to bed early again for school?

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I usually stay up until 12:00 but school starts in 2 days




  1. GO to bed at a certain time just laying down ull get bored and want to go to sleep. Dont drink to much sugar or sweets before bed. Even if u stay up till 12 in ur bed u at least got good rest

  2. um, your screwed lmao =) i start school on the 2nd, i already started going to bed very early, i stayed up really late one night watching the olympics to keep me up, i've been in bed by 10:30, i know i sound g*y but i just go out at 2 instead of 7 and get home early

  3. Go to bed like 30 minutes tonight and another 30 minutes the next day. You'll start to get more comfortable with going to bed earlier but not jumping into right away.

  4. just do some really tiring activities the day  

  5. AHHH i'd like to know too=P i usually go to bed 11- 11:30 for school. usually 11:30. its absolutely fine for me. but this summer i've been up SUPER LATE.

  6. Right before you go to bed (maybe 20 minutes before) do some sit ups and push ups. Maybe some wall sits or run on the treadmill. Then brush your teeth and wash up or do whatever you gotta do. Usually, you will feel like laying down and you may fall asleep earlier. Just try waking up earlier and get an earlier bed time, depending on what times your school starts.

  7. I've started setting my alarm for nine every morning and not taking any naps that way, by the time its time for me to go to bed i'm sleepy it'll start working by the time school starts and you'll get back to your regular sleep schedule.

  8. exercise for thirty minutes. you'll feel tired and sleepy around the time you fall asleep. if you sleep at nine. exercise at like four.  

  9. Get up REALLY early and do not take a nap, and exercise a lot so you are exhausted.

  10. do you have a "11:45pm routine" where you get ready for bed??

    mine is to play Diamond Mine on Yahoo! Games - to 'accomplish'

    something before I hit the rack

    whatever you do - do that earlier - and set your alarm to get up earlier

    -you have a day to goof off- and then it's back to the grind (LOL)

    but use it wisely and get to bed!

    all the best (and gooooood breakfast to feed your brain!)

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