
How can I start my own airline?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not gonna be cocky so I'd like you to help and assist me in starting my own airline, also could u suggest some routes that I would start with initially. I'm thinking europe to begin with then possibily expanding to serve the whole world




  1. You are being very funny man, oh, I am standing next to myself with too much laughter.  

  2. Mr. Dogger Bank... I hope you have a substantial "Bank"roll to accomplish this...either that or some moxy and drive to connect with some people. The key to a successful airline isn't all that difficult; provide a service people want and be the best at it. This is actually good timing for you because the airline industry has turned into the NY subways system of the 1960s... try to figure out what the next logical step will be. People are price conscious before anything else; if you can provide a SLOWER airplane that costs MORE to ride in...BUT, better pilots, better maintenance, better service. I think you will have something. This is an education process and the big bucks/crappy service airlines are in control of the public perceptions. You will have to fight that. contact me personally and I will give you some free help.

  3. if you could raise the necessary Capital to start a new airline in this economy you should try your hands at world domination.

    in all practicality you need to start with a part 135 charter operation running light business jets and turboprops. and then after 5-10 years (if you are actually make good money and have some way to get even more capital then you could start to work toward a part 121 operation flying regional jets. then after 5-15 years of that you could expand to include larger jets ie 747 and expand to some international routes

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