
How can I start my own business?

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How can I start my own business?




  1. Check out Work At Home United... I'm a WAHM and love it!

  2. Business Proposal

  3. Find what u truly like to do first. Get an overall figure of what it may cost to start your business. Check  around on costs. The costs may vary.

  4. find something you truley love first

  5. I would take great notice of the answer by Debi, there is some extremely good advice in that reply.

    All I would add is find a business where there is likely to have a guaranteed monthly spend by your customers, and one where there is likely to be growth in an economic slowdown.

    I work from home in the telecomms industry, and my customers use their phones frequently giving a guaranteed spend, but what is more exciting is, we also have the worlds largest network especially designed for video phones, with rising fuel prices people are going to be travelling less but will still want to see friends and relatives, well with our phones this is easy.

    That is what I mean by finding a business that is likely to grow through economic slowdowns.

    But remember a home based business is only successful if you work hard at it and are enthusiastic about your product/service.


  6. Hello,

    If you are searching to find a business of your own. Think about your interests, passions and hobbies. Are there any of those things that you would like to build upon?

    There is a great business called SBI that really made my paths clear and has helped me build my business. It is called SBI. It teaches you so much and gives you a solid foundation on which to build your web business. If you would like more information, contact me at

    Good Luck! I hope this helps you out, and I hope that you find what works for you!


  7. Hi,

    Because I worked for an Attorney in Dallas, I have done alot of research on starting your own business and working from home.  I am happy to share my research with you!  

    Use these questions to decide whether working from home and/or starting your own business really is the right choice for you:

    Do you want to be your own boss or work for someone else?  Being your own boss has its benefits such as setting your own schedule, but you also have to be self-motivated.  You can hardly fire yourself for “not showing up to work” can you!  If you are the type of person who needs a kick in the rear to get moving, working at home will be hard on you.  There are many distractions which will pull you away from work if you let them.  You have to be very focused in order to set a schedule for yourself.

    How much do you want or need to earn?  With most work from home opportunities, you will start small, and build up with time and effort.  If you're really strapped for cash, consider taking on a part-time job outside the home while you build your work at home job or business. That will relieve the pressure of needing to "create an income right now!" Then you can take your time and build your dream.

    Do you need benefits?  The majority of work at home jobs do not provide benefits like health insurance or life insurance. But there are exceptions, like the company I work for.

    Childcare - many mothers want to work at home so they can raise their own children, rather than sending them to a daycare center. However, working at home with small children underfoot is no easy task! It's not impossible, and it depends greatly on the ages of your children and what type of work you are doing at home.  I was fortunate to find a company that is pro-family.  We are a group of moms that help other moms to be able to work from home too, so we have to keep it real.  Some companies however, will require a very quiet background, which is impossible if you have small children.

    The truth is that working at home is sometimes a lot harder than working in an office somewhere. Scammers and hyped-up business opportunity ads have given us the belief that working at home is oh-so-easy.  Those of us who already work at home know better!  BUT, the long term pay off and other benefits and positives are worth it!  

    If you have decided that working from home is something you would like to consider, then use the points below to help you conduct your research:

    Get as much information as you can.

    Be wary of companies that are “ground floor” or less than 15 years old, since most of them do not last.

    Be sure that the company is financially sound and is run by experienced managers and leaders.

    Be sure there is a real product, not just a gimmick.

    Be sure there is a high customer reorder rate.

    Check if people make their money from sign-up fees or inventory loading because it might be illegal.

    Beware of having to part with large sums of money to join.  Make sure the opportunity is risk free.

    Ask yourself “Does this make sense?”

    Ask yourself, "Is there any substance to their claims?" Be wary if they will not substantiate their income and product claims in writing.

    Once you find an opportunity that is a good fit for you and your family, my advice is to “go for it!”  It's going to take time to fully realize your vision of working at home, but believe you CAN do this! Millions of people are already successfully working from home, and you can too. Just choose a direction and start moving toward it!

    Good luck with your research, and you are welcome to request more information on the company I work for at

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