
How can I stay more consistent when I run? And how can I improve my 5K time?

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Here are my best times (I am a 15 year old female):

800m- 2:49



I would like for my 5K time to be around 20 minutes flat or faster. I havent timed myself since last year's cross country season for the 5K, so I could have gotten better but I'm not sure. Anyways, I was wondering how I could keep a consistent 6:17 pace when running the 5K. That would allow me to reach my goal if I would not slow down at all. How can I improve? ANY tips would be great!! Ive been training over the summer, I have a 5K race this Thursday!!!




  1. Hello! Great times by the way! My bet is that you'll definitely improve your time but idk by how much. Going from a 23 to a 20 is gonna take alot of effort. I also don't know how hard you've been training. To keep your pace consistent make goals for yourself. You see a girl a little aread of you, pass her up. Then the next one and so forth. Also get your kneees forward and keep moving your arms from pocket to chest. Also the ending is a huge part of the race. Througout the race, gradually pick up your speed, but don't die out! Be able to run really fast, maybe even sprint the rest at the end. Alot of girls use up their energy, and have nothing left at the end. Don't be that girl. Get out fast, and don't get boxed in the crown when the gun goes off. Think about your form, and breathing. PIck up when your ready, and when that last part comes give everything you have left. Congrats on what you've accomplished so far, and I wish you the best of luck in accomplishing more on thursday! Bye!

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