
How can I stay safe and not be kidnapped?

by  |  earlier

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I was watching E! on television last night, and this show came on. It was about kids that got kidnapped. I saw the whole thing, it was quite intresting..but when it was over..I kinda got scared. I couldn't sleep at night because I kept worrying about some man taking me and raping me forever. I do live in a safe neighborhood, but the back of our neighborhood is full of drug dealers and people like that but me & my friends don't go back there anymore.

I have a youtube, and my & friends post videos, do you think anybody could find me from watching my videos? Last night I got so scared that I just decided to put all my videos on private so nobody could see them but my friends got mad.

So my question is, how can I stay safe from being kidnapped?




  1. Your chances of getting kidnapped and raped are quite small, especially if you don't do anything stupid. Just remember that a woman can run faster with her skirt up than a man can with his pants down.

  2. I no what you feeling when i was 7 i was riding my bike with some kids i played with all the time and a man cam down the road stop his truck look at us and we all ran up in my Friends yard.  kinda scared but did not thinking much of it.  we were just kids.  so we went out rideing are bikes again and chaste  us and he almost grabe me when i fail off my bike.  my parents were drunk and doing drugs did not care. Did not call the police or any thing. one of my freinds parents did.  He chast  four of us. no one got grab. Thank god.   my advice. kepp you eys open and ears be alert now you surounding thats the only reson i got away. I was so sared for the next 5 years i would look behined me every 10 sec when i walk down the road or any thing. people thought i had a twitching  problem. lol

  3. carry rocks in your pocket...  I am a 16 year old girl, and this is what I do to stay safe in public:

    carry a pocketful of rocks- throw them at people if you need to.  It sounds dumb but they are very useful

    Dress like a boy- when I bike somewhere, especially at night, I put my hair up in a hat and don't wear close fitting clothes.

    Learn to fight- If you are really paranoid, learn free running or fighting or something.  I'm not paranoid, but I really enjoy stuff like this just because it is fun.  I am about to start taking capoeira classes and I'm so excited!

    Stay in good physical condition-  sometimes, all it takes is just running faster than someone else.  Keep your body healthy just in case.

    you'll be fine, just stay on the lookout and you'll be ready for anything.

  4. Please remember that TV is exploiting the extremes.  Just be prudent and act safely.  Don't go to stupid places alone, and act safely with your friends.  You will be fine.  After all, you cannot live your life in fear, as that would be paralyzing.

  5. Carry a gun.

  6. Never go down dark aleways alone.

    If you don't feel safe run into a shop and ask to use a phone.

    Take a mobile with you at all times.

    Always have two one pound coins (if someone mugs you throw them on floor and run)

    Don't talk to strangers.

    Don't go anywhere alone at night.

    If your friends go home at night and left you ask your mum or dad or career to pick you up.

  7. Just be smart about what you do. Don't talk to strangers. If something looks suspicious when you're walking by tell an adult immediately.

    The chances of you being kidnapped are slim to none. Don't freak out about it, use your common sense and have a way to contact your parents if anything goes wrong (cell phone, or something like that).

  8. I know that it is a little hard ,but stay out of bad places and do not go without friends. If U are in a public place it is time to scream ,bite ,kick  , and any thing as as he doesn't want to kill U in public . Once he gets U in the car he can do what he wants to. take some lessons in self protection.

  9. When ever you go out in public have a  cement cinder block chained to you ankle


    And ware a Pee Wee Herman propeller on top hat


    No body will touch you when you go out into public believe me they will kind of step aside when you walk past


  10. dont go anywhere alone.

    always tell people where

    your going. take a cell

    phone. be smart where you

    go. dont let anybody tell you

    they know you or know your parents

    and want to take you some where.

    dont go by suspicious peolpe.

    you should be fine!

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