
How can I stay safe in my home?

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I am a young woman living on my own, it’s not the roughest area around but it isn’t a nice area either. I live in a 2nd floor (top floor) flat, the neighbours in my block are nice, there is a shared entrance way with a security door and I bolt my front door. I have a room that used to be a balcony that’s now closed off with doors that open round the back, these are kept shut and the door between this room and the main flat are kept locked at night…

I still don’t feel safe when I’m alone; I stay awake some nights listening for the slightest sound. I can’t afford a security system, so what is my best way of trying to keep myself safe when I’m home alone?




  1. you could go to the pound and get a friend or you could put an ad in the newspaper for a roommate to share rent. your only problem i seems is being alone, just fix that and you'll be fine.

  2. Hi Faith.. the probability of anyone breaking into your flat is very remote .. for a start you are on the second floor!..

    you have secure locks on your doos & even a seperate entrance door.

    I suggest that it may be that you are feeling vunerable because you are alone .. have you just come out of a relationship or lost a partner perhaps..

    The reality is that you will be ok .. just get on with your life without worrying about things that are not likely to happen

  3. Being on a second floor does not protect you from someone climbing up to get into your Apt.I knew somebody that lived on the third floor and was raped while asleep.It can happen to anyone....even with a security system.I personally think that a dog is a good idea.I feel MUCH safer with my little daschaund.Dogs can cost more than an alarm in terms of upkeep.If you are on a serious budget...try to order some security "signs" with the co. logo(like Brinks or something) And put one on your windows and doors.You could also get the lil'beeping devices that alert you when a window or door is opened or closed.I would invest in pepper spray too.You might be able to get them on ebay.Good Luck!

  4. buy like a watch dog. they can always sense danger. or maybe stay with a relative for a while just to calm your nerves or go around the room, this might sound silly, and tell yourself your not afraid of whats there. say it outloud. then you'll hopefully calm down some.

  5. get a permit and purchase a weapon

    seriously it is not a bad idea to have some sort of protection just dont play with the gun and dont tell people about it and make sure to keep it on safty and use it responsibly because if it goes off for 'noise' you heard you can hurt somebody. usually an intruder will see it and get scared and leave but im sure your safe. if thats too much try getting a roommate and moving out

  6. You have a couple of good answers already.  Security is strictly a frame of mind, so do whatever you think will make you safer.  Increasing the probability of being caught is always the object of  securing something.  For example, a vault door increases the time required to break in and, thereby, increases the chance of being caught.  A local alarm will also increase the chance of being caught.  There are inexpensive portable alarms that mount on doors and emit a loud sound.  A couple of these and telling your neighbors that you have them, will make you as safe as possible.  Research them on the net and get the highest db.  And secure them well to the doors.

  7. Self defence lessons, one it will get you out and you will meet other people, two it will give you a self confidence which will solve your sleeping problems and thirdly you will be able to defend your self against intruders.

  8. You are as safe as you are ever going to be. No amount of locks or security systems will really change that. Stop reading the tabloids and try to be less paranoid.

  9. Buy a pet dog if you have the time and be able to take good care of it.

  10. You could invite me to move in.  I would keep you very safe.

  11. Remember what happened to those French students in New Cross, London. Thats the worst that can happen.

    Stop worrying or you will end up having a heart attack.

  12. do a check every night before bed. check every room, every lock and your mind will be more at rest. also never leave keys anywhere near the front door. it is possible to reach them through the letter box with stuff (wire coat hanger ect it has happend) you could put a sensor light in the veranda bit and fit a fake camara (you can get them in argos) this will deter anyone thinking of breaking in. buy yourself a panic alarm and keep it by your bed or under your pillow. or keep a few all over your house. i hope this helps, its horrible to be scared when you are in yourself

  13. You are safe, but for extra security but a dog.

  14. Youshould get a guard dog or something

  15. i am sorry but dogs is not the answer. people should have a dog if they are able to love and care for it and give it a their time and effort and not to scare off intruders.

    i would definitely suggest saving up for a security system. it will not cost you more than 200 - 250 pounds for securing your flat. you dont have to go for the most hi-tech one.

    there are many basic packs in the market. go and have a good look at a big b&q or homebase store.

    plus you dont need to pay hundreds of pounds to someone to install it. with a cheap drill and some common sense and a good instruction leaflet you should be able to install it yourself !!

    here are some useful sites (yale costs around 100 pounds which is a great price)

    what you can also do is put fake cctv cameras outside your door (you can buy them in maplin or google them for buying online) that should keep some of the burglurs away - but some know the difference

    in the meantime, shut + lock all your windows / doors before sleeping and leave a small light on in the passage between rooms so you feel safe knowing you can see incase something happens.

    try not to set patterns of coming and going out of the house - most intruders observe the house / flat they want to attack and observe the movements of people going in and out. occassionally get some of your friends to walk with you to your appartment as well !

    good luck and get that alarm system installed !!

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