
How can I stay safe in the sun?

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I have a fairly pale complexion and my family roots stem back to European ground, so I tend to skip the tanning process and burn easily and fast. How can I keep the safest in the sun so I don't get burned?




  1. I use neutrogena sunscreen SPF 85. It works.

  2. Here's what I do:

    Sunscreen:spf 15 or spf 30...depends how long your in the sun

    A hat:covers up your face

    lip gloss


  3. Buy sunscreen with a SPF over 15. The higher the better protection. Long sleeve clothing. Bright colored shirts. Bright hair. Sunglasses with UV protection.

  4. Wear white clothing that covers as much of you as possible.  

    Wear a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses

    SPF 55 works well for me, but I work outside in the south....

    Make sure you take care of any burns you do get with something that will help heal your skin.  Aloe or hydrocortisone works well....

    Don't spend unnecessary time outside - if you don't HAVE to be on the beach at 12 noon, then don't.  Wait til like 3pm when the sun is lower and not as harsh.  

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