
How can I stop back ache at work?

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I work in an office with a chair that was very comfy until I have reached my current stage of 24 weeks! Over the past couple of days, my back starts to really ache by about 2 in the afternoon. I get up and walk around as much as I can, and go for a walk at lunch but it doesn't seem to help. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to alleviate this?





  1. Place a pillow behind your back, use heat on your back (no more than 15 min. at a time) get approval from your doctor to get massages.  These remedies have helped me!

  2. I had the same exact problem, it killed me to sit at my desk!

    So I bought a back support pillow, it helps sooo much! I got mine from Target, though I'm sure you can find one at other places. Also, if you're able, you could do the cat stretch a couple of times - that really helps me too.

  3. LOL i was the same way... and it never got any better... my back pain got really bad when i got around 34 weeks... to the point it was just so painful to walk around, sit down, climb stairs...etc.

    Avoid slouching. Maintain an appropriate posture. You need to have your own guidelines, to achieve this position. Suitable muscular exercises go a long way to deter the back pain from bothering you. In early part of the pregnancy, good posture helps a lot to tackle the back pain. Use a pillow or lumbar cushion to avoid slouching. Avoid standing for longer hours and change the sitting position frequently.

    You need to take proper rest and have adequate sleep. Your overall health needs special care and attention. High-heeled shoes are a taboo and they may cause you serious problem of body balance.

    Slumping forward too steeply is also not desirable. It may create breathing problems and strain in the most formative part of your body. Your lower back pain management is a matter of practical commonsense.

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