
How can I stop bad dreams?

by  |  earlier

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Every night I am havin several bad dreams. They dont wake me, but I just feel tired and unsettled in the morning. They can vary from me being attacked and chased, my ex being attacked, and miscarriages,that can be mine,or could be some1 else. Does anybody know what these dreams mean, and if there is anything I can try and do to prevent them?




  1. don't see any movie of crime, mysteries, phantoms, demons, and stop seeing news about war and all that kind of agresions to your brain.

    It's worse if you see them and fall asleep with tv on.

    Sometimes it happens to me and i do what im saying.

    Also sleep with lights turned on for  weeks, and when you feel better you can turn them off.

    Stop drinking coffe, dark sodas (or clear ones with caffeine), and begin consuming B1 vitamin capsules.

    Let me know how you doing then

  2. ummm...well b4 i go to bed i always think of somethin good. it usuallys prevents me from havin any bad dreams. u'll should try it.

  3. I know there is such thing as dream interpetation, there are some books sold and websites, but I personally thing that the books are more helpful. To prevent these dreams, right before you go to bed, drink some chamonile tea, or if you are not a fan of tea, just try to think of something plesant, not something that would cause your brain to have these dreams.

  4. try to follow these simple tips

    1) dont wakeup too late...try to go to bed before mid night

    2)eat healthy food...that is try to eat more vegetables and avoid oily and junk food

    3)dont watch horror movies

    4)dont play voilent games on ur play which have  terrorism in them.

    5)share ur problems with ur all worries wont appear in ur dreams

    6)think about ur biggest fear and try to overcome it

    so...u'll have SWEET DREAMS and a happy good night ;)

  5. think about different things eat something b4 bed ....

  6. being attacked and chased = being criticized

    miscarriages = lack of control

    Bad dreams come from bad experience in reality. If  you stop the bad experience or feel happy about your daily life, bad dreams will gradually go away.  As for you, you projected certain things as being chased, attacked, miscarriages, those things point to insecurity, low confidence.  

    The only way to stop those dreams is to build up your confidence, and focus on something positive and you may be seeing better dreams  afterward.

  7. Start by changing your diet - especially what you eat late in the day and at night.

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