
How can I stop being an idiot?

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I'm ignorant socially, academically, common sense-wise, et al. How can I change this? I'm almost 20 and the people around me just keep getting smarter. I already dislike my physical appearance; I can't have this newfound self-awareness damaging my ego, too.




  1. read more books and always see the other side of a opinion.

  2. First, think before you speak.  When we blurt out the first thing that pops into our mind, we do tend to look like idiots.

    Second, get an education.  College is great, but not the only way to go.  Read, read, read.  Read books, the newspaper, magazines.  Be informed about current events, history, politics.  Get the facts and formulate your own opinion.

    Third, watch how other people behave.  If your socially inept, taking cues from those more socially aware will help you find your footing in social situations.  As you become more comfortable with other people, you'll also become more confident.  This in turn, will increase your social graces.  Yes, it is rather circular.

    Finally, if you dislike your physical appearance, change it.  Get a haircut, change the style or color.  Got a few extra pounds?  Eat healthy and get some exercise.

    I know you can do this!  Best wishes! :)

  3. It is not idiocy; you lack self-confidence.

  4. tomorrow is another day.. just get some sleep and it will all be over soon

  5. There is no such thing as an idiot, only one who does not wish to learn or put knowledge to use.

    By realizing what you have said, you are becoming smarter yet!

  6. Start hanging around with stupid people and you will feel smarter.  Surround yourself with mediocrity.

  7. Just sit back, watch and listen to all that is going on around you. Try and soak it all in. You will learn.

  8. You should get a college education. You'll get smarter,  and just maybe, things will change for you. Also, don't put yourself down. A positive attitude will always help you in life.

  9. go join a gym and take up body building. they have nice minds and you have a nice body

  10. Dude get yourself some Cranapple and some sleep and you'll feel like a new man... Idiotic free, brotheren!!

  11. Read books (although i never did) its a great way to learn stuff and widen your horizon. If you don't like to read the talk to other people have discussions and share your opinion on just about everything you can! Just be open to new things is the best advice I can give you.

  12. okay I'm sure your not disliked by everyone, and if you think or know that they are acting that way then they could be doing that because there jellous or they may like you and they are too shy to ask or they might just be hurt and need to take it out on someone and if they act like that again ask them real nicely and ask them if there is something wrong that you can help with or if they are sad just be yourself i truly hope this helps, if you need anymore help I will be glad to help anyone I used to think that way too but now I know they where just wanting to spend time together , oh and just ask them what they injoy doing like going to the Movies or going to the Mall or anything they like just ask them "if you could do something, what, or where would you like to go or do" just say soemthing nice and go out and have fun and chat, play, be like there best friend and BE YOURSELF PLEASE thats something you must do and just think of tv, you know most of the time they get along and stuff but other times they fight who gets the better end but if that happends please apoligize to them and if you get the good end please give it or share it with them I'm sorry If this doesn't help i'll try harder to get a better answer instead of a speach I really hope that things go good and anything you need to be answered then I will try my best to answer them the best I can do well thanks and If you don't like the way you look, ask someone if they could help you with your look or if they could get make-overs together (if it's a girl they love doing make-overs to a guy) and it is fun, you laugh, you cry, everyone has a good time just be understanding

  13. Ok, what you need to do is buy a treadmill, and maybe a gym membership (push-ups work too), and exercise. THEN, you are going to grab a book, and expand your knowledge of different things. For your common sense, just pay more attention to the things around you. After about a month, you should have a pretty lean body, with some muscles, and then just regularly look into the mirror and flex. If you have acne, I recommend getting something like Spectro. And if you think you look bland, then grow your hair, and cut it into a style that suits you well. Ask your friends for advice.

    Hope I helped

  14. think about what you say before doing/saying it. make your self sound smarter with bigger words and more adult like phrases. (:  

  15. NO body knows anything about you until you open your mouth, so keep it shut and watch and learn how things are said and done ....

  16. You lack self confidence like my self. I too dislike my physical appearance, but I am pushing myself to be able to go for the Softball Team this year, and just with that determination alone, I was one of the fastest student today in gym. And all I did was believe in me. No matter what I look like.  

  17. Dear Ignorant:

        I would recommend eating healthier, exercising and perhaps going back to school to pick up a trade.  You could also read some self help books, or target books on subjects you enjoy.  

       Ultimately, we are all ignorant about something. Everything takes work. Whining about it isn't and should never be  an option.

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