
How can I stop being jealous and the dislike of rich people?

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This is a serious question so please I mean no harm or to make people hate me. But its been a total of three years since I have not watch tv, I can't stand hearing how rich people on the news do stupid things or seeing magazines about a gross looking item like shoes they bought for 500.00 dollars when people like me have to save and 500 dollars is like two weeks of pay if I do overtime! But the pricey things they buy is to question their taste.

I even tried to be nice, a total of two rich guys asked me out and guess what? Like most rich guys because they have money they want to use you for s*x in return : ( I even turned another one down who offered 20.000 dollars yes temping, but my morals and am a virgin I didn't give in....and now I feel stupid but I guess I did the right thing.

But to me they seem so selfish and uncaring on whats going on.

I myself want to be rich BUT I will help others without the greedy knowing that since I help others I can get it all back through taxes. Yes rich people who help others get it all back through taxes....they make sure.

But I miss watching tv, I miss having a peaceful mind set. Its just so unfair. I want this new outfit but will have to save for it, when they can buy it now also I have to pay for school when they...............ok my point is how can I get over this? Am really a nice person and I knew a rich guy who got rich off of others but again am not a s**t sadly.

How can I get over this?




  1. Girl, stop drowning in your self pity. yes, I agree, there are many rich b*tches out there, but most rich people EARNED their place in society. They worked hard and got to where they are. Their children, on the other hand, did not, and some tend to think they're the most amazing people ever. But all of them are not like that at all! I live in a fairly affluent society, but Iive in a middle class home. I have quite a few friends who are LOADED but they're still great, down to earth people. Know that they exist. And it's good to work for what you want. It shows character and you'll appreciate it more.

    Have a nice day :)

  2. Unfortunately you are not only in the wrong section but have an envy for rich people. You want to be one because you are not.You have no idea of how to become one and categorize " rich guys " as only wanting you for s*x. So why did you bother with them?  Cultivate yourself into the person you would like to be and not who you are. You will enjoy life more.

  3. I live in the world you despise. For the people I'm around money is both everything and nothing. Money matters more than anything but it is also disposable and easy to obtain more of.

    you need to put yourself in a rich persons postion. if you had so much money what would you do?

    and my parents gave thousands and thousands of dollars away to different charities this year. I also do volunteer work.

    But why shouldnt we be able to spend our money on whatever we want to? it is ours after all.

    you just need to channel the energy you waste on envy into a positive perspective that lets you focus on getting rich (if thats what you want).

    btw, I really admire you for turning down the money those men offered you. that isnt easy when you have to struggle to pay rent.

  4. For 20,000 dollars you should have banged that guy all night long.  

  5. Well, I would suggest trying to idolize them. Cultivate their mindsets, and use them to make you rich. =) Envy is nothing to give into. It's very unnatractive to me. Would you care what someone who is wrapped in envy thinks of you?

    whoever thumbs downed me is a piece of s**+.t

  6. A few things. First - realize that most people spend more than they have, they are stressing as much as you are(even if you make far less),because they are over extended. Second- I cannot tell you how to be "Rich" right now, for most it takes time and alot of effort. You have to change your mindset(as you seem to realize). People who are rich usually made thier fortune late in life, they are risk takers. They fail a lot before succeeding. You can become rich over time,by saving and investing, but it too, will take time. If you want to succeed at work, you have to stop thinking like a "worker" or victim,and think like the people above you. Owners and Supervisors think about the good of the company and realize that they will be rewarded later, workers think of themselves as victims and constantly think only about themselves.(I do not mean this as in insult, but it is a fact). Dress the part, Supervisors and Owners do not get shirts and Ties, and business suits with the position, they usually were the ones already dressing up for work. I grew up in Detroit, in poverty, and I did not see growth in my life, until I changed my mindset this way. Someone told me, you will generally earn an average of what your friends make, so sometimes you have to upgrade who you are hanging around,because they may be dragging you down with complaining and not making a better life for themselves. I thought at the time I would be selling my friends out, but looking back, they were dragging me down. None of them have made anything of themselves, while I have succeeded. I did all I could to help them, but they just didn't want help. Realize, as you succeed, and I'm sure you will, that people will hate you for it(including peers at the same job you work). If you are not doing well in life, you first have to evaluate what you have done. Undoubtably you have made bad decisions(I DID). Unfortunately we do not intentionally make bad decisions, so looking back becomes critical to find out faults. Do your best not to make the same mistakes, Always be the person who comes in when called, always have a positive attitude even in unpositive situations. Avoid complaining when everyone else get's going. We all own a business, it is ourself, we sell our services to any job that employs us. How we market ourself and the quality of our product is how we are paid. If you do not have an education, it is not the end of the road, just realize the road will be longer to prove yourself.(I know, as I did not finish College, but still saw success)It is not easy, but the biggest thing is to stop thinking that it is unfair and make a change. It is the harder choice, but it will get better. If getting rich was easy, we would all be rich. In the mean time, try to find the good things in your life,even if they seem few and far between right now.

  7. this is a really difficult thing to get over. the only thing i can tell you is that money doesn't buy happiness. Just b/c someones rich doesn't mean they're happy. they may lookk like they are but it could just be a cover. Think of all the things you have that others don't. I can tell you you have more than 95 percent of the people in honduras do. i recently took a missions trip there and it was then that i truly realized how blessed i am. i would go on a missions trip even if it's just to a poor section of your city. No matter what you see it won't compare to half the suffering in the world

    Hope i helped,

    in christ,


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