
How can I stop being nervous for school?

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Its my last year of middle school and I'm sooooo nervous

I'm nervous because...

- I don't have many friends and all my friends got into advanced classes for 8th grade and I checked the year book for people I dont know and I dont really see any new faces. That means no friends for next year

- I hated my teachers in 7th grade(just math actually) because I'm bad at math and the teacher would always randomly call on people and I had no confidence so when she would call on me I would say the wrong answer even If I knew the right answer because I got so surprised.

- I had the most wonderful spanish teacher you could ever think of in 7th grade but unfortunately you cant have the same spanish teacher unless you call the school and ask and I forgot to and they already closed so its too late and that means I might have an evil spanish teacher next year

- I could have co-ed gym(co-ed is gym class mixed with boys and girls)

and since Im not atletic when I made a wrong move all the boys would yell at me and Im sensetive.

- I might have special ed kids in my class next year and if I dont have any friends then they will always end up being my partner and in my school thats an embarresment and a reason for kids to tease you.

(yes my school and cold and shallow)

either way 6th grade was horrible and I was so nervous for 7th grade but It turned out with 3 or more friends in every class, the best spanish teacher in the school, all girl gym, and there was only one special ed girl in my classes and she was only in my gym class and 1 of my bffs were in my gym class so I was always her partner. 7th grade was amazing and I would do anything to have all of that back in 8th grade but all my friends got into smart *** classes and theres 300 kids in our grade and I only have 50 friends and most people have 100 and theres only 1 other friend that didnt get into advanced so im screwed.

I have enough problems at home so I really dont need any problems at school because school was like my vacation last year.(not the classes, the friends)

plz help me calm down and relax and what ever happens plz give me tips to deal with it

srry this is so long

thanks in advance




  1. Its my last year of middle school and I'm sooooo nervous

    I'm nervous because...

    - I don't have many friends and all my friends got into advanced classes for 8th grade and I checked the year book for people I dont know and I dont really see any new faces. That means no friends for next year

    - I hated my teachers in 7th grade(just math actually) because I'm bad at math and the teacher would always randomly call on people and I had no confidence so when she would call on me I would say the wrong answer even If I knew the right answer because I got so surprised.

    - I had the most wonderful spanish teacher you could ever think of in 7th grade but unfortunately you cant have the same spanish teacher unless you call the school and ask and I forgot to and they already closed so its too late and that means I might have an evil spanish teacher next year

    - I could have co-ed gym(co-ed is gym class mixed with boys and girls)

    and since Im not atletic when I made a wrong move all the boys would yell at me and Im sensetive.

    - I might have special ed kids in my class next year and if I dont have any friends then they will always end up being my partner and in my school thats an embarresment and a reason for kids to tease you.

    (yes my school and cold and shallow)

    either way 6th grade was horrible and I was so nervous for 7th grade but It turned out with 3 or more friends in every class, the best spanish teacher in the school, all girl gym, and there was only one special ed girl in my classes and she was only in my gym class and 1 of my bffs were in my gym class so I was always her partner. 7th grade was amazing and I would do anything to have all of that back in 8th grade but all my friends got into smart *** classes and theres 300 kids in our grade and I only have 50 friends and most people have 100 and theres only 1 other friend that didnt get into advanced so im screwed.

    I have enough problems at home so I really dont need any problems at school because school was like my vacation last year.(not the classes, the friends)

    plz help me calm down and relax and what ever happens plz give me tips to deal with it

    You are justified in your feelings. It's normal and you're not alone. You will have the opportunity to make new friends. It's hard for everyone at first. But this is a valuable experience because you'll become a pro at it sooner. This is temporary. It won't last forever. It shouldn't last long at all. Try to go in with a positive attitude and think about the good things. Smile and be friendly. People are drawn to those that are warm and friendly. Maybe this will be the year when you will really apply yourself so you can reunite with your friends who have advanced. I know you can do it. Just put in some more effort. Get the help you need. Think of it as life or death if it helps. You have no choice but to do well. It's just a mind game. Try not to worry so much over the things you can't control. Be independent and be strong. You can do it, many people have and under worse circumstances. My school and my class is pretty shallow, mean, and snotty. It didn't stop me. I just kind of laugh now because everyone is missing out. The class above and below ours are so much more connected. They seem happier. I have friends in the class above mine that I still talk to.

    The first thing is that you don't have to be nervous at all. You feel nervous because you lack self confidence. Try improving your self reliance. You may not have friends for next year but you can try having one. And about those classmates you have, just don't mind them. You also mentioned about not having any friends and you imagine yourself always ending up being the partner of you special ed kids and you think of it as a big embarresment and a reason for kids to tease you. Well, its just normal of you to think that way but try thinking the positive way. Things you do not expect sometimes come in the most unexpected moment. Have a stronger faith with your savior, help yourself to gain the self confidence and reliance. I believe you can do that. Just keep believing in yourself. I hope i helped you...

  2. maybe some new kids will come to the school and you could be friends with them... or maybe try to make friends with the people that you don't know that much. sorry =(

  3. You are justified in your feelings. It's normal and you're not alone. You will have the opportunity to make new friends. It's hard for everyone at first. But this is a valuable experience because you'll become a pro at it sooner. This is temporary. It won't last forever. It shouldn't last long at all. Try to go in with a positive attitude and think about the good things. Smile and be friendly. People are drawn to those that are warm and friendly. Maybe this will be the year when you will really apply yourself so you can reunite with your friends who have advanced. I know you can do it. Just put in some more effort. Get the help you need. Think of it as life or death if it helps. You have no choice but to do well. It's just a mind game. Try not to worry so much over the things you can't control. Be independent and be strong. You can do it, many people have and under worse circumstances. My school and my class is pretty shallow, mean, and snotty. It didn't stop me. I just kind of laugh now because everyone is missing out. The class above and below ours are so much more connected. They seem happier. I have friends in the class above mine that I still talk to.

  4. First of all...You need to take a CHILL PILL and STOP FREAKING OUT ABOUT SCHOOL, ALREADY!!!

    Take it one step at a time...Now, how exactly is 6th grade going to be different from 7th or 8th or 9th???  Just because you aren't good at something or only have X amount of friends, how is that going to change school itself?

    Some of the quietest kids make the best friends and it shouldn't matter if a person isn't quiet as smart, maybe as pretty, or even as popular as you are because you are in school to LEARN and not be the Class Prince or Princess.

    Your teacher might call on you because he or she thinks that you are not paying enough attention and they want to be sure that you are understanding what they are teaching you and one way for them to know is to suddenly call on you to answer a question about what he or she is talking about.  They are not trying to make you look like an idiot in front of everyone.  Your best bet is to try to pay attention and when you do get called on, you should answer the question right if you know the answer (this will probably get the teacher to focus on someone else that they think isn't following along).

    Look at it this are NOT ALWAYS going to have your bffs or be in the same classes as they are and you should take the challenge of doing the best you can WITHOUT relying on someone else to get you through.  I'm not trying to be mean or go against you when I say any of this, but you need to try to stand up on your own and take the challenge head-on and if you don't reach your goal <and you end up with a 'B' or a 'C' instead of an 'A'>, you can stand up and say 'I DID THE BEST I COULD.'

    Not everyone is going to get straight A's, have a gazillion friends, have good looks, or even be the brightest crayon in the box etc., so if you get paired with someone who isn't as smart as you, LEARN FROM EACH OTHER because the other person will make contributions to the project and so will you and the idea isn't whether the other person will win a popularity contest, it is to get the assignment DONE.

    Do you see where I'm going with this?  NO MATTER IF LIFE GIVES YOU A BOX OF LEMONS, FIND A WAY TO MAKE LEMONADE!

  5. The first thing is that you don't have to be nervous at all. You feel nervous because you lack self confidence. Try improving your self reliance. You may not have friends for next year but you can try having one. And about those classmates you have, just don't mind them. You also mentioned about not having any friends and you imagine yourself always ending up being the partner of you special ed kids and you think of it as a big embarresment and a reason for kids to tease you. Well, its just normal of you to think that way but try thinking the positive way. Things you do not expect sometimes come in the most unexpected moment. Have a stronger faith with your savior, help yourself to gain the self confidence and reliance. I believe you can do that. Just keep believing in yourself. I hope i helped you... :D


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