
How can I stop being so lazy?

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How can I stop being so lazy?

I know that it sounds simple, but its hard when you really don't have any motivation. I wonder if there is something wrong with me, but I don't know. I just kind of ignore all of my commitments until the last minute, slack off in every situation, and when I have responsibilities, I just put them off (procrastitante like no other). What should I do? I don't want to be lazy.




  1. Your life must really be dull.I do the same thing, but I am organized so I can accomplish what I need to do. I also go to the gym, walk, do work around the house, serve on two Boards of organizations. You need activity to increase your energy levels. If you are overweight, loos it.Lazy is a state of mine and you have put yours on hold. Turn off the t.v. and computer once in a while and get out in the world.

  2. start by changing that avatar...

  3. Believe me when I say that I'm the exact same way. I know you've probably heard it but I understand your struggle with overcoming your own laziness. My best suggestion would be (as the user before said) is baby steps. Find an easy, and possibly enjoyable task that needs to be regularly done or achieved at by a certain time and get it done. I find that doing it early in the morning further helps my attempts because I combat a nocturnal personality as well. I've been trying to overcome my own laziness for a few months now and I'm slowly making baby steps towards my ultimate goal. Motivation is the biggest hurdle to get over. Another idea would be to let either a close friend or family member in on your desire to change this aspect in your life. Additional help from an outside source (especially an assertive one) can help the personality change come to fruition.

  4. You are bored .

    You have trouble setting priorities

    This is making you depressed.

    Each morning make a list of things you need to get done that day. Put them in order of importance to you. Do not add any fun things on this list.

    Next make a list of fun things you like to do.

    When you complete a job from the first list then give yourself a little reward from the second list.

    After a a couple of weeks of this your life will start showing improvement in the way it is being run and you will see that you have time for more fun things on some days.

    Just know that every day is a gift and it should not be wasted.

    You will even find that your attitude towards others will also change.

    Try it bet you will like it

  5. You just have to make yourself do it.  One time for one task, get it done early and do it the best you can.  The feeling you'll get from this will make you want to do it again.  It won't be easy, but again, you have to make yourself do it, just once.  

    The sense of accomplishment is the driving force to keep you going.  

  6. Man, I ask myself that same question. Are you a pisces? If so, there are some horoscope specific advice on the internet. If you live at home and need to just to general practical stuff, I would start by just planning stuff will trap you into having to do stuff. For example, hide stuff from yourself, just go to bed at a certain time, get up at a certain time and get outta the house and shut that door behind u. Monitor your feelings - Are you feeling better as a result of doing stuff? Are you feeling tired and run down from doing too much in a day? do a google search for motivational stuff.. there's heaps of it! Life coaches are a very good source of inspiration and advice. Anthony Robbins talks about the power of goal setting.. do a google search for him.

    Watch the secret.. immerse yourself in whatever it is that you want to do.

  7. Is never to late to do what you want in life if I was you I start by seen a doctor depression you know what I mean that's the first signd of it. i think.

  8. I use to have the same problem... I just convince myself that tomorrow, I'll die. That forces me to live out each day as if it were my last.

    Think about it, it's true... at any moment, you could die. It might seem unlikely but the possibility exists, therefore realize it's there, and act. What do you want to be remembered for? Being a lazy slacker? Do you know you're capable? Do what you want and stop thinking about other people and focus on your self. YOU COULD DIE TOMORROW, so what can you do today to make sure you'll be remembered?

    It's helped me anyway... because then when you get to be so busy, you forget that it's possible to die at any given milli-second.

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