
How can I stop being so paranoid about ridiculous things?

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I have noticed that I am the most paranoid person I know about the most ridiculous things. How can I change that? I don't want to live in worry all the time over stuff like this!




  1. To expand on Xcyte's point, I think it would do you more good not to try and forget any issue that is bothering you and instead work out A) WHY it is bothering you, and B) circumvent the issue entirely.

    If nothing else, whenever you're starting to work yourself up about something, consider realistically what the ramifications of it are. For example, there is absolutely NOTHING that you can do with an email address that can lead you to getting arrested. Even if there were, on the off chance that the police came banging on your door they could pretty easily confirm that you haven't done anything.

    You're just spending too much time thinking about the far-fetched potential negatives of everything you do. Chill out and accept the fact that despite the fact that while not everything is under your control, not everything is out to get you either. If something might go wrong and there's nothing that you can do about it, there's no point in working yourself into a frenzy over it.

  2. Hi there, you have to understand the way we think is just a habit.  after we develop that habit we just think that way and assume thats the way we are.  Once you know this it simply becomes a matter of changing a bad habit for a good one.  Start by being aware of what you are thinking, and when you have there a paranoid thought make an effort to cut them off and replace them with a healthy thought.  

    This will take sometime, maybe as year or more, it will be difficult and you will feel like it's not working.  It is though, as long as you keep doing it.

    There lots you can do to help yourself,  I have a website that has more tips and advice.

    Good luck I hope you find it useful

  3. Isolate the reason you're so paranoid - in this case, it could be freinds family or another problem. If you want to stop thinking about it. Then, find something else to think of. Simple. If that doesn't work, then, decide to not think of it. Self-control. You control what you think of. Yes, you may get random paranoid thoughts sometimes, but those are just thoughts. Whether you are going to act on them is another thing so, make a decision. Are you going to stop or are you going to keep making excuses for not stopping the thoughts. It's your choice. Whats funny is by writing this I also helped myself with a personal problem :D.

  4. Well, it's at least good that you realize they are ridiculous. You might have Anxiety, and perhaps should go see a counselor. They can either counsel you or prescribe you pills or both.

    Everyone has anxiety if it is 3am and a stranger is approaching you, it's for your own survival that you become extremely aware and nervous so you can protect yourself. Or , if you are driving and the roads are slick, you get scared/ nervous. Being scared/nervous.paraoid, great when there is a real danger because it causes you to react quicker and to be more observant.

    Unfortunately, some people feel that way when there is no real danger. Some people think it is purely a chemical imbalance in the brain, while others think it is a flaw in thinking. For instance, if you were 3 and attacked by a dog, then later when you are 20 you see a cute little puppy and freak out.  If you have been attacked by a dog, your brain makes a memory that associates dogs with danger. Or, if you were made fun of constantly as a child, then you walk into a room and people are laughing you may think they are laughing at you because of your past experience.

    Anyway, many people are paranoid and worry; you are not alone. I recommend doing some googling about anxiety disorders. There are many site that give suggestions on how to cope with it/change it.

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