
How can I stop being so protective of everything?

by Guest64823  |  earlier

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I don't like it when people are in my room when I'm not, I don't like it when people go on my computer even if I am there, I don't like people to see what I am drawing or writing, I don't like to sing or play music on an instrument if someone is in the house, I feel incredibly anxious if I don't delete all the internet history before I leave the computer, along with loose things on the desktop, ect ect... I cannot leave the computer on my screen if I'm not there, even if I'm just going to the bathroom, I sign out and resign in when I return, I do not want people to notice if I decide to start watching what I eat or wear.

Those are only a few examples. How can I stop being so protective of everything?

If I let something happen in any of those examples, I get very anxious and sometimes get a panic attack.




  1. Don't put ANYTHING in your computer that you wouldn't say aloud in church.

    Go to a Psychiatrist and tell him you are PARANOID and want to be cured.

    Get more exercise, especially outdoor exercise because it clears your brain of Paranoia and makes you more happy and tolerant of the world in general.

    Only use your computer for research pertaining to school or work.  Stay off the computer as muh as is humanly possible.  Too much computer time folds your psyche inwards.  Exercise make it Bloom outwards, causing feelings of Well-Being and happiness.  

  2. you've built up some barriers there,letting them go will be hard,you've got to come to terms with being able to share,relax the grip a little,say to yourself it's only stuff,when all is said and done it's not also don't like people to judge you that's why being in public freaks you out,you can't stop them so stop worrying about it.

    QUOTE;Don't let the bast*rds drag you down.

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