
How can I stop constantly worrying about death?

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I'm scared of death.




  1. To write down all your worries about death. To think about it in the written form for about 45 minutes a couple times a week. This creates a paradox. I.E., you purposely think about the possibilities and the worrying ceases.

  2. I'm not sure. You got to just accept death, and try to all the things you want in life, generally.

  3. Eventually, you and everyone else will die.  It's going to happen.  You may not like it, but accept it.  What's the point of worrying about something you can't change?  Just try to live as long as you can.

  4. I'm an atheist and used to constantly worry about death since, for me anyway, that's the end. Now I don't care because I can't do anything about it. Why waste time brooding on it?

  5. death is something that happens to us all. Dont be afraid of death but of an unlived life. Live your life to the fullest so when it is your time you had a long wonderful life.  

  6. death can be an area of obsession because we don't know what is going to happen, we can't come to terms with why it happens, and because it is inevitable.  I think it is normal to worry about death, but it is another thing to let it keep you from really living.  Those who are most fearless in their final hours have lived very full lives.  Make sure that you are living to your fullest potential, and death won't seem like such a horrible thing.  Figure out your reasons for why we die.  I believe that we die so that in life, we are constantly reminded of how important and precious the little things are.

  7. do you mean you think about committing suicide or ur scared of death?

    either way..

    find something worth living for... i.e. a girlfriend, or a dog. :o

    death isnt scary. its the way you die that is. death will be nice in time, no more stress, just pure bliss for the rest of eternity. unless you go to h**l. in which cased ur damned. sucks fer you.

  8. Try to remind yourself that everything has a cycle and that everyone and everything is part of that cycle and to live life to the fullest and whatever happens happens. Being afraid of death shouldn't control you because if it is, you're denying yourself the chance to live.

  9. you dont need to worry about death because everything will die its not something you need to worry about

    Its like your first day going to primary school or high school youll be scared and first but when it comes you know therebe nothing to be scared about

    I think the reason why people are scared of death is the way the media makes it in the media where people just die and theres scenes of chaos but if you think about it its not so bad if just dont think about it and after a while youll know there nothing to be scared about.  

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