
How can I stop craving bad foods??

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I started alli yesterday and I am trying to train myself to eat healthy and not eat foods with too much fat.


I have 55 lbs to lose. I am always hungry and you can only eat so many veggies before you get sick of it.

I really want pizza or chips or chocolate.

I just wanna know how I can stop craving bad food and quit being so hungry all the time.

And anyone have any ideas for good guilt free meals or foods?




  1. if u crave pizza the lean cosine pizza is really good and theres low fat ice cream and chips also smart ones meal are really yummy so look for fat alternative foods i make a low fat mac n cheese and it doesnt taste low fat and when u do cheat try to tell yourself i have better will power then this and dont beat yourself up cause it will make it that much harder

  2. fast. master cleanse.

  3. try getting some barley greens in powder formula I've been on a cleanse about 3 wks now and can sympathize with you having 2 powder shakes a day and one ordinary meal, with only veggy and light fruits occasionally I have found going to the organic foods store and look for organic barley greens helps alot you can also get them in a capsule form:)  

    Ive lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks and am feeling good about my energy level.

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