
How can I stop doing that to myself?

by  |  earlier

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I just can't seem to get a hold of myself lately. I cry a lot. I am so emotional. I cry when I watch sad movies, read books, I cry when I spend time by myself just doing nothing, I cry while on vacation, I cry myself to sleep. Basically everything makes me cry these days. I feel like time's slipping away . I have so many dreams but they seem so far away and sometimes I just doubt myself to achieve them at all!

I feel so lonely even if I am surrounded by millions of people.Plus,I worry about my future a lot!




  1. Well it sounds like symptoms of depression which at times can feel like the lowest low you can go through. it takes alot of self-dedication to help change your outlook on life.

    However if you feel its truly uncontrollable you should talk to your doctor about, and they will definitely be able to help you... b/c i was feeling like that for years, some days were worse than others. and i was prescribed medicine since i was a teen (of course like and now I'm 23 and just with in the past 2 months we finally finally finally figured out what works for me and that's Lexapro. so maybe you wont have to take years to figure what works for you just ask about that medicine and see if they says its right for you. i feel the happiest i ever been in my entire life. So i would recommend Lexapro to anybody that is going through depression!!!!!

  2. Just remember that you can turn pain into strength.  When you look at it that way, much of the pain in your life becomes a blessing, not a curse.

  3. that makes two of us!

  4. Well, firstly, reemember that crying is a form of letting negative emotions out, though it is not good to do excessively. Take time to relax, maybe have a cup of tea. Whatever it is that makes you feel a peace. Try not to stress over little things, it drains way too much energy. Try to be as talkative/friendly as you can to other people, that may help with your loneliness. good luck! : )

  5. Wow, join everyone else on here who seems to be experiencing the same sort of thing.

    Time's slipping away?  How old are you?

    Do you belong to a church?

    When I started reading the Bible, and got to know the Lord, it put everything into perspective for me.

    We aren't supposed to worry.  But, we have so many reasons to worry, if you read the news, or watch it on tv.

    We are rushed so much anymore, that no one seems to feel like they can slow down, and "enjoy the moment".

    I get that myself, and I'm starting to wonder (strange as this might sound) if we are in the end times, and somehow we all know it, and this is the way we are reacting.

    I would avoid the types of movies/books that make you cry, and maybe sit down and give yourslef some time to think about what truly makes you happy.

    Are you doing what you want to do in life, or what someone else told you that you should be doing?

    I don't know, but if you get any negative answers on here, try not to take it to heart.  Like I said, a lot of people have the same problem.

  6. I feel for you. I really do. I understand completely. Truly. Hang on..just try to find one person you can call a friend.

    Sorry I don't have an answer for other then time will take care of it. (I know, not what you want to hear.)

    Also, it could be depression from a chemical inbalance. Talk to a doctor.

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