
How can I stop dust gathering on my new furniture and lcd tv?

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How can I stop dust gathering on my new furniture and lcd tv.

My son has asthma and I need to stop dust gathering on my furniture and especially my lcd samsung tv.

any Ideas?





  1. The only way to reduce it is a large hepa air purifier. Buy the biggest you can get and put one in every room. You will still have to dust. Dust is mostly human skin particles that have flaked off. Don't buy an ionizer. Those are bad for asthma.

  2. If you think about it for a minute, the dust is gathering because it's in the air. The dust on the TV and furniture isn't a problem for your son, unless it's disturbed. The problem is that , obviously, you have a lot of dust in the air.

    If it is causing him problems, you should look into air purification.

    With regard to the TV, do not use any chemicals on it. These screens are easily damaged by chemicals.

  3. Fabric softener was recommended by my asthma nurse for rinsing inhalers to stop static, so use a cloth dampened with water which contains fabric conditioner. It won't stop dust all together - you will still have to dust every day or two as the dust will still be there - it will settle on the floor instead.

  4. I always put some fabric softener in the water - prevents the dust from sticking to the surface and works great! Try it!

  5. cover everything in cling film.

    replace it every week.

  6. Buy an electrostatic air cleaner.

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