My son has epilepsy and learning difficulties. He's 3 years old. He's not intellectually disabled but does have some problems and is behind in some areas. I can't stop blaming myself. Even though there is a history of epilepsy in the family, two things occurred which could have explained why he didn't develop normally. I had a hot bath in my second trimester, he fell and hit his head when he was 6 months old (he threw himself back out of my arms when I was sitting). I feel like if I'd been more careful he'd have a happy, normal life without all these complications. I feel like he's not the person he should have been. I love him absolutely, but I don't feel like I let him reach his potential. He is in all kinds of therapy and I'm at home with him when he's not at preschool. But how to get rid of the guilt? I can't just let it go.