
How can I stop feeling so broody?

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I know it sounds silly, but it's really getting in the way of my studies right now. I had a miscarriage (unplanned pregnancy) last autumn and now I've completely lost heart in my degree. My fiance and I are both full-time students, and I know we need to concentrate on our studies right now, graduate (in 2 years time for me, 1 year for him), and find jobs before we even start thinking about children really.

Please don't tell me to spend time with other people's children, I already babysit and help out at a toddler group, and actually it seems to make things worse. I already have two part time jobs along-side studying, so I do know how the real world works, at least to some extent. Likewise please don't tell me how important my studies are, I already know this.




  1. I won't say what you don't want to hear because I wouldn't say something like that anyway.

    I am so sorry for your loss. I think deep down, wrong timing or now, you wanted that baby and that is perfectly normal.

    Have you tried talking to your fiance about this? Have you told him how you feel?

    Things happen for a reason. There was a plan in what God did. But truely you do need to concentrate on your studies, you have came this far with schooling, you don't want to mess it up now. You should be proud of the work you have done so far. Continue it but at the same time you can hurt for the baby that could've been. You know, you can have a baby and go to school. It's not easy but it's not hard either. Between you and him you can do it.

    You will be okay, you will have a family.. it just depends on when you are ready.

    Talk to your fiance and just be honest and tell him what you are thinking!

    Good Luck and God Bless

  2. I am sorry about the miscarriage, these things happen. Sometimes you just need to set a goal and work towards it. I know I am pregnant and because of the complications I am having I cannot go to my classes and therefore I lost 1 year until i can finish my degree and my husband is going to finish before me. You need to take some time and be alone with your partner, communicate with him until you find whats missing in your life. I know it sounds like corny advice but maybe the whole miscarriage thing effected you and you and your partner havent fully talked it through yet, especially if it means a lot to you. Maybe you could find another way to have kids, like start saving a little money in an high interest account while both are working and going to try and graduate (cutting back on classes as the pregnancy progresses) and finally have a baby. Then you can finish your degree later. Life is full of twist and turns, just make a plan which path you want to take to your goal (baby)! Best Wishes!

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