
How can I stop fidgeting?

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I don't have ADHD, I think it's more of an anxiety thing; when I sit or lie down, it takes a while for me to get comfortable. I have to fix my hair, crack my back, mess with my contacts, etc. etc.

I've tried focusing on my breathing, any other tips please?




  1. Medication

  2. You are Restless?

    -Do you find yourself always looking for something more, or somthing better?

    -Your mind is racing a 100mph?

    -Is something always seeming out of place. Not physically, just something in the current situation not right?

    When was the last Peace you felt? Focus on this time. Remember this moment. What happen to get you there? In your peaceful times you will find the solutions to restlessness. What brings you satisfaction?

    You can get drugs, or learn techniques. But until you find the reason. it is only a temporary fix.

  3. Don't listen to those ADHD fanatics.  We all fidget, it's a habit not a diagnosable disorder.  Like any habit, change is hard but it's best to try to replace one habit with another (hopefully less annoying) habit.  I'm an obsessive pen clicker... especially when i'm deep in thought or bored in meetings (yes that annoying person)  I learned to make a circle on my notepad instead of clicking.  A much quieter habit.  So find something to do with your hands when you first sit down that will keep you from fidgeting so much.  Try always sitting down with a drink and start by drinking it slowly before you do anything else.  Come up with some way to distract yourself from the fidgeting.  I don't know you so it's tough to make suggestions. Heck just try sitting down and not moving until you have counted to 50.  It's about retraining your body to stop doing something it has become accustomed to doing.  Oh maybe when you sit down with people you can distract yourself by taking the first few minuets you sit down to pick out how they fidget to get settled in.  

    Good luck. Oh and ignore the pill pushing freaks who try to make you feel weird... everyone fidgets!  

  4. Are you sure you don't have adhd or are you just undiagnosed.

  5. I don't know. Honestly, if your ok with doing that, and it isn't seriously bothering you, it just might be a personality trait, something you do and will always do. I drift off in my own world 80 percent of the time. I take about 2 hours to fall asleep or more. I just in general sit and daze and think alot. Its annoying at times, but I cant really completely change it. Yet, if I try really hard I can get done what I need. I can do enough schoolwork to make it through, I can have good conversations, and yadda yadda. Im not that much of a freak. It just might be a personality trait, you have to deal with... if its more than that though, and you know it, than you might need like medical help. Idk about any other advice, except that I know that if you try toooo hard to change something, it puts wayyy more focus on it, and you might make it even  worse than it is. Just try not to think about it much, and just go on with life. Like I said, if its drastically a problem ,get help, if not just be yourself.

  6. You probably are high energy. I am borderline ADHD and what I do is stay busy and I read only at night to be still before bed. Exercises will help calm your self down aviod caffeine before bed time and just relax I also have bi-polar and I am 39 and just learning how to be and sit still prayer and counting your blessings does too. Don't be so hard on yourself.

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